Mainz Suspends Anwar El Ghazi Over Middle East Conflict Comments on Instagram

Mainz Suspends Anwar El Ghazi Over Middle East Conflict Comments on Instagram

“Mainz has decided to exclude Anwar El Ghazi from training and matches.” It is with these words that the Bundesliga resident announced in a press release published this Tuesday the suspension of one of its players. Mainz criticizes the former Lille player for having published a message on Instagram on Sunday (since deleted) in which he “took a position on the ongoing conflict in the Middle East which was deemed unacceptable by the club”.

Mainz “distances itself” from its player

Mainz says it respects “the fact that there are different points of view on the complex, decades-long conflict in the Middle East. However, the club distances itself from the content of the message in question, as it does not correspond to the club’s values. » El Ghazi, for his part, refused to describe Hamas’ attack on Israel as a war in his message published on Instagram. “This is not war,” he wrote in particular.

In its press release, the German club finally adds that this decision was taken following an “in-depth discussion” with El Ghazi (28), who arrived free at the start of the season after a short stint at PSV Eindhoven.

2023-10-17 18:06:04
#Anwar #Ghazi #dismissed #Mainz #proPalestine #message


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