Mainz 05 Stumbles On: Crisis Deepens Despite Lucky Point in Bochum

Mainz saves a lucky point in Bochum, but the crisis continues to worsen. A commentary analysis by kicker reporter Thiemo Müller.

A late point win in Bochum – and still many problems: Mainz 05. IMAGO/Eibner

With the brilliant 2:2 in the last second, Tom Krauss perhaps prevented the big bang. The inventory after the basement duel in Bochum – Mainz’s 14th league game in a row without a win across the season – still shows: From a sporting perspective, Mainz 05 are sitting on a powder keg. Sports director Martin Schmidt explains quite rightly: “The 2-2 draw covers up a lot, it was a terrible first half. There’s no point in praising something or saying nice things here.” However, the time for lip service should be long gone anyway. Instead, there is a risk of explosion everywhere. The kicker illuminates the various focal points.

Focus on leading players: The team lacks the axis that worked in previous years – an elementary shortcoming. With the exception of keeper Robin Zentner, the team’s “heads” are all struggling with individual problems that are too big for them to radiate confidence. Defense chief Stefan Bell (32) was sacrificed after half an hour in Bochum for tactical reasons. The veteran would be a leader par excellence as a character and tackler, especially in a crisis, but is only very suitable for a four-man chain. This in turn is being treated as the system of the future at 05, while Bell’s contract ends next summer – so is the identification figure now a discontinued model?

“Aggressive leader” Kohr only hurts his teammates

In the six position, Dominik Kohr (29) embodies the prototype of the “aggressive leader” who is in demand in the relegation battle – nominally. In fact, the league-wide feared clearer has been nothing more than a paper tiger in shorts for some time now. He only hurts his teammates with pointless yellow cards. Whatever the reason for Kohr’s decline in performance, coach Bo Svensson in Bochum didn’t react a second too early with the substitution after 33 minutes. The same applies to Ludovic Ajorque’s (29) removal at halftime. Last season, the giant Frenchman took the 05 offensive to a new level with his physicality and team usefulness, today he only drags the people around him down with his resigned body language.

The communication surrounding Captain Widmer is irritating

And the regular captain? Silvan Widmer (30) has been publicly traded by Svensson as a candidate for the starting eleven for weeks after a long injury break – but has so far not managed to displace the constantly shaky Danny da Costa on the right track. Not sending Widmer into the fire just yet may be sensible. But Svensson’s communication on this matter must be irritating. Similar to the case of Josuha Guilavogui (33). The supposed emergency aid made a 15-minute debut in Bochum after a good four weeks, incidentally in the “barking position” that was then re-established for this purpose in the center of a three-man chain…

The dilemma in the El Ghazi case has not yet been finally resolved

Focus on problem players: When Anwar El Ghazi (28) was consistently released after his anti-Israel post, Mainz 05 as a club presented an image of strength and unity. However, there was no shock within the team. The media debate about a possible return has now begun, as El Ghazi made a new post in which he condemned “the killing of all innocent civilians in Palestine and Israel” and suggested that his “previous statements on social media” were “misunderstood “been.

Are those responsible now sticking to their clear stance? Or are El Ghazi’s template for a pardon also being used in the interests of the club’s economic interests? This dilemma has been reopened. The absence of Marco Richter (25) in Bochum had less serious, but apparently disciplinary reasons. Svensson spoke on DAZN about an “internal issue”. During the last international break, Richter was noticed as one of the few particularly committed players, but he only got a short appearance against Bayern (1:3). Was this followed by an insulted defiance reaction from the attacker, who was committed not least because of his positive, professional mentality?

Mainz coach Bo Svensson is also already in focus. IMAGO/Jan Huebner

There was also a stir behind the scenes about Nelson Weiper’s operation

Focus on young stars: It goes without saying that the recently outstanding Brajan Gruda (19) cannot be the sole savior – and was confirmed by an attempted but ineffective performance in Bochum. If Mainz’s crisis continues, the top talent and his advisors will inevitably ask themselves all the sooner how long the home club will continue to offer the ideal environment for personal development. This especially applies to Leandro Barreiro (23), whose contract is expiring.

The bosses’ idea that the homegrown player will extend his contract after the latest transfer deadline in order to secure a transfer fee for his club next summer threatens to turn out to be a naive expectation. As of now, winter would be the last opportunity to earn at least a little money with the Luxembourger – but the sporting weakening would be disproportionately large. There was also a stir behind the scenes about Nelson Weiper (18) and his knee surgery. In the 3-1 defeat against Stuttgart, the center forward was supposed to be part of the squad, but according to kicker information, he was picked up from the team hotel by trusted people the evening before – in order to have an operation based on an external second medical opinion. Neither this procedure itself nor the timing after the transfer deadline caused any enthusiasm internally.

Svensson missed a timely extension commitment

Focus trainer: “I bear responsibility, both tactically and for the mentality,” Svensson summed it up in Bochum. “You also question yourself.” However, this should not be interpreted as an idea of ​​resignation for the time being. “It just has to make you think about the next games and how you can move the process forward.”

Basically, Svensson’s proven work over the past three years absolutely speaks in favor of continuing to view the football teacher as part of the solution. However, his unresolved contract situation beyond the season is now a problem. The club has been wanting to extend since last spring, but Svensson missed the moment to make a timely commitment. With some of the team heavily focused on him, this could have at least subconsciously cost him the power of persuasion. Which in turn would be a logical explanation for many crisis symptoms.

2023-10-28 11:49:04
#Bundesliga #News #Crisis #Club #Mainz #sporting #powder #keg


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