Luisle and the cycling gloves, stars of this podcast

This is how Sergio Román Martín tells his experience since the accident

What an uncle Sergio Román Martín and how he explains it, how he tells about the collapse of his world since he had that horrible accident training with his goat a few months ago.

It so happened that Sergio had that fall a few days after being on our podcast to explain what happened that stage of O Gran Camiño that was canceled before finishing due to the snow.

Accompanied by Pello Ruiz Cabestany, Sergio Román Martín gave us a luxury of details that caught our attention, due to the ease, fluidity and clarity of his speech.

And a few days later, bam…

His was another fall on a goata situation that as we see is repeated a lot in recent times and with results as disastrous as the one we saw with Stefan Küng in the past European time trial.

It is not acceptable that because of the attachment to the bicycle, the cyclist goes blindly.

Sergio’s situation is not hidden, it is complicated, but it also does not hide a desire that he expresses very strongly: riding a bicycle again is now his great dream.

As he tells us, The difference between a sick person and a healthy one is that the second wants many things, but the first, only one, to regain health..

With him we take a bath in reality in a podcast in which We do not hide the joy that the Vuelta brought us for Sepp Kussin which we get into the Bicilab of Andorra, we ride the Ciclobrava, we talk about the Sea Otter Europe and we ask you a question: Gloves yes or no?

2023-10-09 22:17:52
#Luisle #cycling #gloves #stars #podcast


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