Looking for Judo Teacher for Elementary School in San Blas

Best Teacher, an innovative training company, we are looking to add a judo teacher to the team to teach classes at a school for elementary school children in San Blas. We indicate details:

Objective: judo classes at a school for primary school children
Address: Av. de Canillejas to Vicálvaro, Madrid,
Hours: Tuesday and Thursday 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Incorporation: Immediate until the end of May (permanence agreement required)

Permanence pact

IMMEDIATE INCORPORATION. Interested parties sign up for the offer

Detailed information

We need to fill a vacancy
The work will be carried out in Madrid, Madrid.
Training of some type is required according to the position requested.
The position to be held is that of a Jewish teacher.
The contract will be of the Fixed Discontinuous type.
Salary in the range of €12,000-€18,000.
The day will be Partial – Afternoon.
A minimum experience of 1 year is requested.

2023-10-18 20:43:53
#Judo #teacher #San #Blas #Madrid #TEACHER


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