Loaned by PSG, Xavi Simons in no hurry to think about his future

Under contract until 2027 at PSG, the young (20 year old) Dutch international spoke after the defeat against France on Friday in Amsterdam.

Xavi Simons (Netherlands striker, after the 1-2 defeat against France ) : «We will have to raise our heads to play a good match on Monday (in Greece, Editor’s note). (On Mbappé) He’s a high-level player but it’s not just him, the team is very solid. But it’s always a pleasure to play against someone with whom you have already played (Favorites for the Euro?) The Euro hasn’t started, we can’t say if they are favorites or not, it There are very good teams and that’s not my role, I’m focused on my selection.

(potential return to PSG next year, the club which lends him to Leipzig) I’m happy at Leipzig, I don’t think about anything else, we’re having a very, very exciting season.»

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