Legal Battle Over Suspension Resolutions by Dominican Olympic Committee

Dr. Neftalí Santana, legal representative of the Dominican Olympic Committee (COD), clarified that the resource of protection initiated by the fencing, badminton, precision shooting, modern pentathlon and surfing federations, was solely and exclusively for the court to annul the resolutions of suspension emanated by the executive committee of the COD.

The legal representative of the COD indicated that at no time in the action filed by the five federations, through their representative, Dr. Ronald Santana, included imposing on the institution the obligation to accept the stake of athletes in the next Pan American and Olympic Games.

He indicated that, as a result of the debates In the First Chamber of the Civil and Commercial Chamber of the Court of First Instance of the National District, the Magistrate asked the COD representative if this decision affected the athletes, and Neftalí Santana told him no, but he did let him know that it was the COD which has the legal power to register athletes for the Games and the magistrate advanced in hearing that this action I was going to record it in the judgment so that there are no problems in the future, but always respecting the rules that govern.

In this sense, Dr. Neftalí Santana said that the judge in the hearing indicated that the federations could send athletes who could participate in the Pan American Games in Chile or the Olympic Games, subject to the rules established in both multisport events as a request. of the magistrate, not of the federations.

He highlighted that the conditioning of the magistrate on the stake of athletes in sporting events since the content of the act was rejected, because the court did not have competencesince they were administrative decisions and the competent court was the Administrative Superior, and this is stated in the recitals in the judgment.

Dr. Neftalí Santana stated that this is a joke in bad taste, since the aforementioned sports federations have not had any revenue of cause.

The legal representative of the COD revealed that, before the judgment civil number 034-2023-SCON-00849, the badminton athletes are in a warm-up tournament in Venezuela, and will then leave for Peru, to a preparation base, and then on the 18th of this month they will join the delegation in Chili.

He indicated that the selected of modern pentathlon was included in the delegation under the guidance of the COD and whose delegate will be the technical director Juan Febles and not directors of the federation, who are suspended.

The First Chamber of the Civil and Commercial Chamber of the Court of First Instance of the National District declared inadmissible the action of protection initiated by the fencing, badminton, modern pentathlon, precision shooting and surfing federations, through their lawyer Ronald Santana Nova.

The court had been empowered in order to hear a action of protection collective for alleged violation and threat of violation of the rights fundamentals of the aforementioned federations and their athletes.

In the actionthe federations, through their legal representative, requested the executive committee of the Dominican Olympic Committee (COD) annul the resolutions of suspension issued on July 11 and supported in accordance with the provisions of articles 21.7, 54 and 57 of the statutes of the Olympic body.

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2023-10-07 15:41:00
#Legal #representative #Dominican #Olympic #Committee #clarified


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