Laporta, Bartomeu, Rosell, Gaspart and Reyna have dinner together to unite and “cohesion barcelonismo”

Laporta, Bartomeu, Rosell, Gaspart and Reyna have dinner together to unite and “cohesion barcelonismo”

There was dinner, but no photo. He Barça has revealed that last night there was a dinner between the last five presidents who have led the club. A dinner as unusual as it was surprising, even though it was first Sandro Rosell who revealed the need to project a common image of unity in the entity, shaken by the Negreira case scandal, which affects the five leaders because it has occurred in the last 18 years.

“A relaxed meeting,” Barcelona limits itself to stating in an official statement with “the objective of consolidation and reaffirming the unified position of Barcelona fans in the face of the attacks and attacks that shake the life of the club and that have increased recently.” For this reason, Laporta, who has proclaimed to have “saved Barça”, accepted that quote.

Idea of ​​Rosell and Bartomeu; Gaspart’s proposal

Rosell launched the idea, then promoted it Joseph Maria Bartomeu and went John Gaspart, president of Barça after the resignation of Núñez (2000-2003), who took this initiative to the delegates’ assembly last weekend. It was there, according to the club itself, where “president Joan Laporta took up the proposal” launched by the former leader, with the aim of “consolidating an immovable position to seek the cohesion of Barcelona fans.”

Sandro Rosell (i) and Josep María Bartomeu. EFE

Dinner was agreed upon. The statement was agreed upon among the five leaders, determined to project that image of unity, as Laporta had demanded to combat the consequences, both judicial and reputational, of the Negreira case. “Barça’s history is not dirty, we cannot allow this unprecedented campaign of institutional discredit,” the leader told the delegates via telematics.

From ‘nuñismo’ to ‘laportismo’ passing through ‘rosellismo’ and ‘bartomeumismo’

Hence, they have buried for one night the deep differences that separate the five. For once, and without serving as a precedent, the ‘sons’ of Nuñism (Gaspart), the flag of ‘Rosellism’ (Sandro Rosell) or ‘post-Rosellism’ embodied by Bartomeu and, of course, sat down in the same month. , ‘laportismo’. All the currents that have governed Barça in the last two decades sitting at the same table.

There is no precedent for such a meeting. It does not specify the club where the dinner was. Nor has it provided any graphic image of it, which would summarize the history of Barça from 2000 to 2023, a period in which these five presidents have ruled.

Without mentioning Negreira

The summary of the dinner, as reported by Barça, is simple. “The synthesis is a position of support for the interests of the club, especially in matters related to the attacks that FC Barcelona has suffered incessantly throughout its history and especially today.”

The Negreira case is not cited at any time. Nor does the name of the former vice president of the Technical Committee of Referees (CTA) appear, whom Barça was paying during the time of these five presidents.

2023-10-25 12:03:04
#Laporta #Bartomeu #Rosell #Gaspart #Reyna #dinner #unite #cohesion #barcelonismo


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