Kylian Mbappé’s Struggles and Potential Clash with PSG Boss

Foot – PSG

Mbappé: A clash with the PSG boss?

Published on October 6, 2023 at 7:15 p.m.

Performing well during his reintegration, after a whole summer spent away from the team, Kylian Mbappé is experiencing a downturn. The French star has not scored in three matches in all competitions with Paris Saint-Germain and he has also been designated as one of the main culprits, after Newcastle’s debacle in the Champions League (4-1) .

What’s going on with Kylian Mbappé ? The well-oiled machine seems to have seized up for a few matches and in the face of Newcastlethe performance of the star of PSG was greatly criticized. Some even see it as a renunciation, on the part of a player who could leave the club free in a few months.

Mbappé not a fan of 4-2-4?

La Gazzetta dello Sport laisse entendre que Mbappé would not necessarily feel fulfilled in the systems put in place by Luis Enrique for a while. It is a 4-2-4 which is singled out, but that the coach of PSG doesn’t seem ready to give up.

Luis Enrique is unyielding

If things continue like this, Kylian Mbappé could well gradually move away from his coach, which should create even more problems. Much criticized, Luis Enrique indeed keeps the confidence of his leaders, but what will happen if he alienates the star of the team, that the PSG absolutely want to convince to extend?

2023-10-06 17:15:00
#Mbappé #clash #PSG #boss


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