Jogenson’s way of leaving Movistar does not look to the future

Every time Valverde “leads” a cycle tour, problems arise where there are none.

The same thing that we are going to tell now, already happened in Quebrantahuesos, when Alejandro Valverde arrived alone, very alone, breaking all the times.

A week ago we were amazed by Alejandro Valverde’s fourth place in the gravel World Championship and today I see controversy over his presence in the Vuelta a Ibiza where, as it could not be otherwise, he was the fastest.

In this topic, as you see, it rains in the wet, it’s like when a bad meal comes back to you every little bit throughout the afternoon, causing that unpleasant feeling of “already seen.”

Valverde has been the fastest in the Vuelta a Ibiza because simply It’s like when he hung up his bike.or in any case very close to those days.

That was a year and a week ago, and as he admitted to us, he continues with the pro routine but without being a pro.

What are you waiting for then?

Each expro takes things as they come or want.

I know some who like to ride among people, feel the warmth of the public and chat with those who dedicate their time and resources to riding with their idols.

Others, on the contrary, in the descent of the flag, like to push themselves, and of course they end up opening brutal gaps that, later, often close because those in front stop or are stopped.

There is everything for everyone, with no other benefit than for the organizer who has a business in this and for the participant, who takes away a good memory.

The problem is not here, The problem lies in the press that is in the hands of interns or people who have never heard of a bicycle in their lives.who think and write that the Vuelta a Ibiza is little less than the Giro de Lombardía, putting on the same level two things that have nothing to do with each other.

And the ignorance, which is very daring, is transmitted to people who say that if Valverde goes to “races” with fans to destroy and things like that, when a guy who is what the Murcian has been, slips him any title or medal that he can get. hang on the QH, Vuelta a Ibiza or classic of the town.

These people capitalize on their fame, they do their “gigs” and enjoy cycling, the problem is that they enjoy it much faster than the rest because they have done everything on a bicycle.

Anyway, we continue on Groundhog Day…

2023-10-18 12:14:13
#Jogensons #leaving #Movistar #future


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