“It shouldn’t be taboo”: the Nice coach gives news of Beka Beka, after her suicide attempt

Francesco Farioli has fought the stereotype that a top athlete cannot get through a depressive episode. At a press conference, the OGC Nice coach returned to Alexis Beka Beka’s suicide attempt. The 22-year-old midfielder spent three hours sitting with his feet in the air on the edge of a viaduct in Nice. If he was taken out of danger, his situation obviously concerned the management and the Nice workforce.

“It’s not a match day like any other,” confirmed Farioli. The episode touched us all: the staff, the players, the supporters, everyone in football. He is safe and sound, he has been taken care of. I would like to highlight the work of our psychologist Sophie who took care of him over the last three months with great attention. The credit goes to him. »

The Italian technician started from the case of his player to raise awareness on the subject of the mental health of athletes. The question is often underestimated by observers, who sometimes argue that the pressure of matches is largely offset by juicy salaries. Among gamers, talking about depression is sometimes seen as weakness. The Nice coach wishes, on the contrary, to shed light on the subject.

“We must not hide when we face these kinds of problems,” Farioli said. Our worst enemy is ourselves, as the expression goes. Footballers, we tend to think that they are superstars but they are humans like us. Great athletes like Tyson Fury or Michael Phelps have spoken about these difficulties, it should not be taboo. I ask that Alexis be respected, with care and love. »


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