Highlights from the Malaga Provincial Basketball Gala 2023

Highlights from the Malaga Provincial Basketball Gala 2023

The Malaga Provincial Basketball Gala 2023 was assisted by D. Francisco Salado Escañopresident of the Malaga Provincial Council, Christopher Ortegavice president of the supramunicipal entity, Mr.Borja Vivassports councilor and president of the District Board No. 11, Teatinos-Universidad del Malaga’s town hallMrs. Gemma Del Corral Parradelegate in Malaga for tourism, culture and sports of the Junta of AndalusiaD. Juan Rosassixth vice president and provincial deputy for sports and D. Ricardo Bandres Marinvice president FAB and provincial delegate in Malaga, among other municipal authorities and presidents of many Clubs throughout the province.

Once the Gala was welcomed by the president of the Malaga Provincial Council, Mr. Francisco Salado Escañoa presentation video was shown that included various moments of the season, and as a starting point the “Toa Paterna” trophy which this season has fallen on the coach Andres Sanchezof the El Palo Basketball ClubSelector FAB Málaga and Selector of the Andalusian. The recognition for the best player of the year went to Lucia Cazorlaof the CAB Estepona. Member of the Malagueña and Andalusian national teams, and his good season in the CAB junior team has also helped him play some matches in Challenge Women’s League and also be called up by the national team in its category.

One of the most emotional moments of the Gala took place when it was remembered “In Memorian” a Jesus Bonilla y Jose Ma Martin Urban, two historical figures in Basketball in Malaga. Next, a technical mention took place to the staff of Unicaja +35 brand new champion of the Maxibasketball World Cup held in Mar Del Plata (Argentina), directed by Pedro Ramirez, Francis Tomé y Antonio Moron. Next, the time came to recognize the work of the Club that this season has fallen to the CB Novaschool, 20 years combining studies and basketball, being one of the pioneers in Malaga in betting on this format in the purest American style. The Vice President of the Club, Marina Barrionuevowas in charge of collecting the award.

Prizes were also awarded “Paco Rengel” to the sports journalist Juan Carlos Sánchez Tirado of Channel On and the players Daniela Abies y Elena Morenoof Unicaja, for winning the Silver medal in the U19F World Cup held this summer in Madrid. The award Alfonso Queipo De Llano The manager of the year was awarded to Sebastian Gonzalezvice president of CAB Esteponaand one of the great promoters of Women’s Basketball in the province.

The Andalusian Basketball Federationin its Malaga delegation, wanted to reward, thank and reward, on behalf of the world of provincial basketball, the symbiosis between Unicaja Foundation y Unicaja Bank, as patrons and sponsors of Malaga basketball, which has a projection not only provincial, but also national and international. They collected the prize Juan de Mata Sanz de Diegoinstitutional relations manager of Unicaja Banky Manuel Doradoresponsible for sports and free time of the Unicaja Foundation.

The Association of Sports Journalists of Malaga, was also recognized for the magnificent work of promotion, training and dissemination carried out among the entire sports fabric of the province of Malaga. The president of the APDM, Antonio Rengel. As well as the one who was a sports deputy in the 22/23 season, Christopher Ortega, for their great involvement and support in the development and growth of Basketball in the province. Finally, the Award was presented Lidia Hierrezuelo a Daniel Hierrezuelo that this season he has decided to leave active refereeing and has become director of refereeing for the Euroleague.

The Provincial Delegate and Vice President FAB, Ricardo Bandres Marinwas in charge of closing the Malaga Provincial Basketball Gala 2023which was a great success in terms of organization and participation.

Enjoy the photo gallery of the Málaga 2023 Provincial Basketball Gala

2023-10-11 19:14:18
#Málaga #Provincial #Basketball #Gala #puts #finishing #touch #season #COVER


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