“Hello Mr. Benzema”: Jean-Luc Mélenchon supports the football star after the “Muslim Brotherhood” controversy

Jean-Luc Mélenchon “knows nothing about football”, he says so. But the latter knows about politics and surely weighed his words carefully when publishing a tweet this Thursday to support Karim Benzema in the controversy between him and Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin.

“Hello Mr. Benzema. I don’t know you and I don’t know anything about football. But the government and its friends have chosen to demonize you. They treat you as a paper Frenchman, attacks the leader of LFI, his political movement at the heart of controversies in France since the terrorist attacks carried out by Hamas on October 7 in Israel.

“With such enemies speaking with such words you must be a remarkable person, without ethnic or religious hatred,” he says. An echo of the accusations of Gérald Darmanin who ignited social networks Tuesday evening after accusing Karim Benzema of being linked to the Muslim Brotherhood. “Karim Benzema has notorious links with the Muslim Brotherhood,” he declared. What the Ballon d’Or vigorously denied on Wednesday through his lawyer, Hugues Vigier.

“French paper”

“This is false!” Karim Benzema has never had the slightest relationship with this organization, explained Me Viguier about the one who joined the Saudi club Al-Ittihad in June. “He also chose to live in Arabia which decreed the said terrorist organization, which France has never done,” clarified the advice of Karim Benzema, who is considering filing a complaint against the Minister of the Interior .

VIDEO. Karim Benzema will file a complaint against Gérald Darmanin after his accusations of “notorious links” with the Muslim Brotherhood

“Grandson of people also treated as “paper French” by the Pétainists who withdrew their papers from those who had been French for less than ten years, I know that France belongs to all those who choose it. Those who insult us do not deserve it,” concluded Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s movement is already on the rocks after Danièle Obono’s comments this week. The Paris MP is at the heart of a controversy, after having considered that Hamas is an “Islamist political group” which “resists an occupation” for “the liberation of Palestine”. The Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, took legal action for “apology of terrorism”. Mathilde Panot defended the position of the member of her group in the Assembly this morning on France Inter.


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