Great Shakeout Earthquake Drills Scheduled for Thursday, Which Means Yet More Earthquake Alerts

Your phone may be blaring another earthquake alert Thursday morning at 10:19 a.m., as California and the nation at large encourage earthquake kits and preparedness with the Great Shakeout earthquake drill.

We’ve had some rattling reminders this week to be prepared for a major earthquake. Phones blared an alert across the Bay Area over Wednesday morning’s 4.1 magnitude earthquake centered in Sacramento County, and Tuesday was the 34th anniversary of the Loma Prieta earthquake that killed 63 people and injured about 3,700 more.

Wednesday morning’s alert confused manywho knew there is another scheduled earthquake alert set for Thursday at 10:19 a.m., as part of the “world’s largest earthquake drill” known as the Great Shakeout. The MyShake earthquake warning app will be sending out the alert, and schools, businesses, and government agencies across the country will hold simultaneous earthquake drills  at 10:19 a.m. local time.

BART will be doing a systemwide earthquake alert. “At 10:19 am, BART staff will trigger our ShakeAlert early warning earthquake system to ensure it is functioning and working correctly,” the agency says in an announcement. “Once triggered, trains will automatically slow down to 27 mph. Then all trains will come to a very brief stop. BART will also make a systemwide public announcement encouraging riders to be prepared for earthquakes.”

And a big part of being prepared is having your earthquake kit or “go bag.” KPIX spoke to Ken Wiemar of Central Hardware about what should be in your preparedness kit. “The three main things we’re going  to need are food, water, and shelter,” Weimar tells the station.

Other major items to prioritize include first aid kits, flashlights, and extra phone chargers. Weimar also recommends secondary items like N95 masks, rope, protective eyewear, and work gloves. “Definitely having a good pair of sturdy, heavy duty work gloves,” he tells KPIX. “There is going to be a lot of debris, a lot of rubble around, and you’re going to have to clear it. And you don’t want to do it with bare hands.”

Of course, all the items included on Weimar’s list came out to a hefty $425 price, though he adds, “People may already have some of this, and they can just sort of put it together.”

As The Rock reminds us above, the old “Stop, drop, and roll” has now been replaced with the advice to “Drop, cover, and hold on.” The California Department of Emergency Services advises that if you’re in a car when a big one hits, you should “Pull over, stop, set the parking brake.” If you’re outdoors, they recommend you stay clear of buildings.

The Loma Prieta quake was a 6.9 magnitude tremor, and the US Geological Service notes that there’s a 72% chance that the Bay Area will see a 6.5 magnitude earthquake within the next 30 years. And seismologists believe that the Hayward Fault is still due for another quake.

Related: Big Ol’ Earthquake Drill ‘The Great ShakeOut’ Happening Thursday Morning [SFist]

Image: @PNSN1 via Twitter

2023-10-18 20:01:29
#Great #Shakeout #Earthquake #Drills #Scheduled #Thursday #Means #Earthquake #Alerts


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