GeVi Napoli Gains Momentum with Victory over Milan: Stronger Certainties Ahead

GeVi Napoli leaves for Brescia with even stronger certainties after the victory over Milan which, without the drop in tension of the result achieved, could have even been wider than the final 77-68.

The success against the Italian Champions gave awareness to Milicic’s men because they arrived without impressive percentages and without the perfect performance, given the anonymous first half played by the Neapolitan wingers.

The numbers, in fact, show a production of just 21 points from the quartet formed by Tyler Ennis, Jacob Pullen, Giovanni De Nicolao and Justin Jaworski compared to the 47 scored on their debut in Sassari.

The constant, however, is represented by the Sokolowski-Zubcic pair, capable of scoring 43 points out of 11 in Sassari but also 33 out of 77 on their home debut, confirming that the Pole can give more than what was seen in Treviso, while the Croatian It is a difficult puzzle to solve thanks to the variety of arrows on your bow.

Watch out, then, for Tariq Owens. Last day’s MVP should not be reduced to verticality and athleticism; against Milan his work in advance on the passing lines made it difficult to close down the opposing pick ‘n rolls (call Poythress). The former Varese player is repaying Milicic for the attention with which he hides his lack of tonnage, saving him a lot of work in the post where he pays the price against physically bigger opponents.

It is difficult to predict how the race will develop at PalaLeonessa; last year GeVi arrived at donut with a morale opposite to that of today, fresh from the defeat in Tortona which marked the definitive rift between coach Buscaglia and the team, underlined by a blackboard thrown to the ground after Howard had left the game designed to attempt the winning shot from 9 meters . Brescia was simply the scene of a breakdown in mutual trust that would lead to his dismissal in the new year.

Today, however, the Napoli that will take to the parquet is a team that seems to be able to throw itself into the fire, if only its coach asked for it.

The application and selflessness with which the players carry out coach Milicic’s directives could represent the grain of sand capable of blowing up the gears of a two-faced Brescia, a brilliant one that emerged when it was able to direct the match early, one that was decidedly more worrying – and which highlighted its contradictions – when it did not succeed.

The impressive 70.6% that Brescia scored from the arc against Treviso should not scare us, Napoli for its part can be aware of being capable of winning even when the percentages (32.6% against Milan) on heavy shots are lacking.

From an individual point of view, watch out for the challenge between Miro Bilan and Tariq Owens. If the technical balance definitely leans in favor of the big man available to coach Magro, the Neapolitan number 11 can oppose his athleticism but also the tactical sagacity he demonstrated in the last match which could allow him to preclude his direct opponent’s post reception.

On the perimeter, Napoli could leverage the characteristics of Della Valle and Christon, players who tend to create for themselves more than for their teammates, sometimes even giving up on generating advantages.

Finally, pay attention to the wings. Petrucelli and Sokolowski will be the protagonists of a duel in which it will not be difficult to glare at each other; Kenny Gabriel, on the other hand, could be the first complicated defensive problem for Zubcic.

HERE for the rosters of the two teams.

Elio De Falco

2023-10-14 08:34:50
#LBA #Punto #Napoli #exam #demonstrate #level #Elio #Falco


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