French police arrest contact of Brussels attacker | Abroad

Oct 20, 2023 at 12:18 AM Update: 3 hours ago

French police arrested a man in the city of Nantes on Thursday who allegedly received a video of gunman Abdesalem L. The man killed two Swedish football supporters in Brussels on Monday evening.

According to the local newspaper West France Belgian authorities had asked France to arrest the man. It is unclear whether the arrested man is suspected of anything.

Two Swedish football fans were killed in the shooting on Monday evening. The fatalities were in their 60s and 70s. A taxi driver was seriously injured. He was also in his seventies.

The perpetrator was shot dead by the police on Tuesday morning. The 45-year-old Tunisian appears to have acted alone, the Belgian public prosecutor said on Tuesday.

Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attack in a message on Telegram on Tuesday. The shooter himself also said on social media that he was a member of the terrorist organization.

The shooter is said to have selected his victims based on their nationality. It is still unclear whether the shooting has anything to do with the Quran burnings in Sweden. These led to intense protests in Muslim countries. Terror movement Al Qaeda even called for attacks against Sweden.

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From preparation to flight: bystanders film attack in Brussels

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BelgiumAbroadAttack on Sweden in Belgium
2023-10-19 22:18:00
#French #police #arrest #contact #Brussels #attacker


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