Former Tennis Star Pete Sampras Opens Up About Wife’s Battle with Ovarian Cancer

While he is currently going through very complicated times, Pete Sampras has decided to publicly share bad news about his family.

Extremely discreet since his retirement from the courts in 2002, the former American player announced that his wife, Bridgette, was suffering from ovarian cancer.

“As most people know, I am a rather private and private person. However, the past year has been an exceptionally difficult time for my family and I decided to share what happened. Last December, my wife, Bridgette, was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. She has since undergone major surgery, undergone chemotherapy and continues to receive targeted maintenance therapy. It’s hard to see someone you love go through something like this. However, seeing our boys engage and support Bridgette, myself and each other has been amazing. Myself and each other has been extraordinary. Watching Bridgette continue to be an incredible mother and wife through it all has been inspiring. I also learned that it is very difficult to seek support when something is just too difficult to say. With that said, I will close by humbly asking for good thoughts and prayers for our family as Bridgette continues to thrive on the road to recovery. Thank you. »

2023-10-30 13:35:00
#ATP #Pete #Sampras #breaks #silence #people #private #private #person #year #exceptionally #difficult #time #family #decided #share #happened


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