Expo Inox Suffers Heavy Defeat Against Milanotre 81-100: Encouraging Signs for Coach Zanellati’s Team

The bad moment at the Expo Inox continues, also beaten at the Parona stadium by Milanotre 81-100. The defeat is heavy, suffered against a high-end team, but there were still some encouraging signs for coach Zanellati’s team. First of all, Tonon’s return should be noted, an element considered indispensable for the role held in the quintet. Having been sidelined for two weeks due to contracting mononucleosis, the doctors gave the guard the green light to resume competitive activity. Obviously his condition will be around fifty percent, despite this Tonon was the team’s best scorer. Positive notes also for the young Colombo who confirmed the positive things he showed last Saturday in Robbio. Unfortunately the team suffered from Cinalli’s bad evening, who started badly with 0/4 shooting in the first half and then injured his ankle at the beginning of the second half; the Frenchman Plomteux instead had problems with fouls, already three in the middle of the match, then when he returned he committed two more avoidable ones. Expo Inox started badly, 20-30 at the end of the first quarter, then the race became more balanced with the gap always being around ten points and then widening in the closing stages.

Expo Inox Nba F. Bettanti 2, Pirovano 8, Nicola 5, A. Facchi 10, Cinalli, Gioia 3, G. Facchi 9, Tonon 15, Plomteux 8, Colombo 9, Lonati 12; in Ltifi. All. Zanellati.

In the midweek round on Wednesday, another home match for Expo Inox which will host Settimo, a team that is more affordable on paper than those faced in the last period. An opportunity to relaunch yourself?

2023-10-28 22:20:47
#Basketball #series #Expo #knocked #Milanotre #passes #Parona


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