European Championship Qualifying Match Between Belgium and Sweden Halted After Brussels Attack

European Championship Qualifying Match Between Belgium and Sweden Halted After Brussels Attack

After one half, the European Championship qualifying match between Belgium and Sweden was stopped. The players no longer wanted to play football after two Swedes were shot dead in Brussels. And for the safety of everyone present, it was decided to keep all supporters in the stadium for a while. After several hours, the King Baudouin Stadium was finally evacuated.

Tonight there was an attack on Swedish citizens in Brussels. A gunman killed two.

“Fifteen minutes before the start of the match, we received the first push messages that something terrible had happened in the center of Brussels,” said Manu Leroy, interim CEO of the Royal Belgian Football Association (KBVB).

“Our security people immediately contacted the police in the control tower. There was discussion about what the best strategy would be. Since the stadium was the safest place for the supporters, it was decided to let the match start.”

The Swedes’ captain had informed Lukaku that they did not want to start the second half.

Manu Leroy

But when the football players heard the story during half time (1-1), it was jointly decided not to continue playing football. The international match was stopped.

“The captain of the Swedes (Victor Lindelöf, ed.) informed our captain Romelu Lukaku that his team did not want to start the second half. Of course our captain agreed to this,” Leroy explains.

For safety reasons, Belgian and Swedish football fans had to remain in the stadium. “Currently the safest place,” it sounded again.

The fans followed the instructions and kept their spirits up with Mexican Waves and supporter songs. After almost 2 hours, the security services gave the green light to leave the stadium. Stand by stand, the supporters were allowed to go home, for the Swedes the police came with an escort.

The stands with the Swedish supporters were the last to be evacuated.

“The police escort them so that they reach their hotel safely. And the Swedish players were also taken to the airport under police escort. Some Red Devils returned to Tubize as planned. Others went straight home.”

The players were also able to leave the stadium. The Swedes sought the airport as quickly as possible to fly home.

IN PICTURES: the story of the evening in the stadium

International Zeno Debast is looking for his family.

Yannick Carrasco is also on his phone.

Belgians have their hands full with energetic Swedes

The European Championship qualifying match started with a scorching start from the Swedes. In two minutes they had already created 3 chances. Fortunately for the Belgians, the visitors were unable to get the ball in.

Not yet, because after fifteen minutes they deservedly took the lead. Just like last Friday in Austria, the Red Devils conceded a goal after losing the ball. Gyokeres stormed forward, cut down Vertonghen and put the ball in Sels’ goal.

On the half hour, Belgium received a gift to put its affairs in order. After a mistake on Mangala, Lukaku converted a penalty, good for his 10th goal in this European Championship campaign.

The Swedes were not into their milk. Forsberg hit the crossbar from far away.

They went into halftime at 1-1, immediately marking the end of the match. It is currently unclear whether there will be a sequel to the competition.

Romelu Lukaku made it 1-1 with a penalty.

afterwards, 23 hours 53. Now it is the turn of the fans in Stand 4 to leave the King Baudouin Stadium. They can go home accompanied by the police. They all do this calmly and controlled. .

Now it is the turn of the fans in Stand 4 to leave the King Baudouin Stadium. They can go home accompanied by the police.

They all do this calmly and controlled.

afterwards, 11:45 PM. Evacuation has begun. The spectators are allowed to leave the stadium. Grandstand 1 is the first to go. The Swedes still have to exercise some patience. The police provide an escort to transfer them to a safe location. .

Evacuation has begun

The spectators are allowed to leave the stadium. Grandstand 1 is the first to go.

The Swedes still have to exercise some patience. The police provide an escort to transfer them to a safe location.

afterwards, 11:43 PM. Stefaan Van Loock, the spokesperson for the Belgian Football Association, says that the Crisis Cell of the Interior is still deliberating. The supporters in the stadium keep their spirits up. Both the Belgians and the Swedes are singing, with a Mexican Wave on top. .

Stefaan Van Loock, the spokesperson for the Belgian Football Association, says that the Crisis Cell of the Interior is still deliberating.

The supporters in the stadium keep their spirits up. Both the Belgians and the Swedes are singing, with a Mexican Wave on top.

afterwards, 11:42 PM. The audience waits to see when they can leave the stadium.

The audience waits to see when they can leave the stadium

afterwards, 11:40 PM. “Protect Swedish supporters as best as possible”. The Belgian Crisis Center announced via social media that the perpetrators of the attack may have targeted citizens of Swedish nationality. “Safety measures have therefore been taken to protect Swedish supporters as best as possible,” we read. .

“Protect Swedish supporters as best as possible”

The Belgian Crisis Center announced via social media that the perpetrators of the attack may have targeted citizens of Swedish nationality.

“Safety measures have therefore been taken to protect Swedish supporters as best as possible,” we read.

after, 11 p.m. 38.after, 11 p.m. 37.after, 11 p.m. 36. The players are ready to leave. They are waiting for the green light from the police. .

The players are ready to leave. They are waiting for the green light from the police.

after, 11 p.m. 21. Evacuation at 11:30 p.m.? We are told from the stadium that the evacuation of the spectators is gradually starting. The announcer says the public will get more information at 11:30 p.m. He thanks the football supporters in advance for their patience. .

Evacuation at 11:30 PM?

We are told from the stadium that the evacuation of the spectators is gradually starting.

The announcer says the public will get more information at 11:30 p.m. He thanks the football supporters in advance for their patience.

afterwards, 11:20 PM. The Swedish national coach is emotional when he addresses the journalists present. “What kind of world do we live in,” Janne Anderson openly wonders. “In Sweden there are an unprecedented number of victims after shootings.” “I would like to pass on all my support to the family.” .

The Swedish national coach is emotional when he addresses the journalists present.

“What kind of world do we live in,” Janne Anderson openly wonders. “In Sweden there are an unprecedented number of victims after shootings.”

“I would like to pass on all my support to the family.”

after, 11 p.m. 19. What kind of world do we live in? Janne Andersson (Sweden national coach).

What kind of world do we live in?

Janne Andersson (Sweden national coach)

afterwards, 11:17 PM. The match was stopped more than an hour ago. The spectators are still in the stadium. .

The match was stopped more than an hour ago. The spectators are still in the stadium.

The Belgian royal family reacts in shock: after, 11 p.m. 12.

The Belgian royal family reacts in shock:

afterwards, 11:05 PM. The Belgian police announced that our fans were safe in the stadium. Martin Fredman (Security Chief Swedish Delegation).

The Belgian police announced that our fans were safe in the stadium.

Martin Fredman (Security Chief Swedish Delegation)

afterwards, 11 pm 03. Sweden: “We received the first information just before the match”. “Just before kick-off we received the first information about the attack,” Swedish security chief Martin Fredman said at the press conference. “It looked like fans had been attacked in the city.” “We had to decide whether to stop the match immediately or during halftime,” Fredman continued. “The Belgian police informed us that our fans were safe in the stadium. Then it was decided to stop the match after the first half.” .

Sweden: “We received the first information just before the match”

“Just before kick-off we received the first information about the attack,” Swedish security chief Martin Fredman said at the press conference. “It looked like fans had been attacked in the city.”

“We had to decide whether to stop the match immediately or during halftime,” Fredman continued.

“The Belgian police informed us that our fans were safe in the stadium. Then it was decided to stop the match after the first half.”

after, 11 p.m. .after, 10 p.m. 59. The Swedish delegation gives a press conference at the King Baudouin Stadium. .

The Swedish delegation gives a press conference at the King Baudouin Stadium.

after, 10 pm 59. after, 10 pm 53. In half an hour, the supporters would be allowed to leave the stadium block by block. .

In half an hour, supporters would be allowed to leave the stadium block by block.

after, 10:45 PM. This is the safest place you can be right now. a message from the stadium announcer to the spectators.

This is the safest place you can sit right now.

a message from the stadium announcer to the spectators

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2023-10-17 00:52:00
#King #Baudouin #Stadium #evacuated #match #Belgium #Sweden #stopped #European #Championship #qualification


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