ESV Badminton School Receives 5-Star Rating for the First Time in History

“For the first time in its history, the badminton school of the ESV section received 5 stars, the maximum that can be received,” rejoices Fabien Julien, the section coordinator. This distinction, delivered at the end of July, places us in 11th position out of a thousand schools certified by the French badminton federation. »

This season, the school brings together 75 players at the Audin college and Éluard municipal gymnasiums:

3 initiation slots by age, between 4 and 17 years old; 1 additional slot for young competitors on Wednesday; 2 more semi-individual sessions on Monday and Friday for young people in regional 1; 1 training for future players in higher competition on Wednesday noon at the Paul-Éluard gymnasium.

Because the club also retains its Club Avenir label. There are around fifty in France. Victor Phanthavong, who remains an Avenir player for the 2023-2024 season, is joined by Clément Chan Hin, detected by the federation.

As for Céline Phanthavong, she is leaving the Avenir player system through the front door, since she was selected to join the Île-de-France hope center in order to continue her training towards the high level.

“After seven years spent training within our walls,” continues the manager, “she now spends her daily life in Châtenay-Malabry where she further increases her training volume and faces greater adversity, while remaining licensed at the ES Vitry. Because she will continue to wear our colors in competition. »

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2023-10-04 07:00:00
#stars #ESV #badminton #school


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