England-Fiji: the improbable fight in Napoleonic costume in the stands of the Vélodrome

While the XV de la Rose led a tough fight in Fiji, this Sunday on the Vélodrome pitch, in the quarter-final of the Rugby World Cup, a completely different fight took place in the stands. Filmed by Internet users, a scuffle broke out between English fans and was relayed on social networks, notably by the account “The Good, The Bad & The Rugby”, which saw it as a funny remake of the Battle of Waterloo.

The attire of the spectators has a lot to do with it: on the video, we see three men in Napoleonic outfits, white wigs and cocked hats on their heads, being attacked by the people sitting around them. While tempers were heating up, one of the costumed people grabbed one of them by the legs, who seemed to want to avoid the conflict, to make her tip over his head, in a cathedral tackle that would have had more of a place on the field than in the stands.

The Marseille security service seemed to be of the same opinion: according to the author of the tweet, several spectators were excluded from the stands following these incidents.


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