Elections in Switzerland’s Canton of Vaud: Forecasts and Candidates

Switzerland elects its parliament. The National Council and the Council of States will go to the elections on October 22, 2023. These are the most exciting aspects in the canton of Vaud and that is what the forecasts say.

18.10.2023, 15:1418.10.2023, 15:36

In Switzerland’s third largest canton, 2 Council of States seats and 19 National Council seats are up for grabs. The two leading parties SP and FDP currently occupy 5 seats each. The SVP fell in the last elections – but can have legitimate hopes of gaining a seat. It is questionable whether the eco-parties can repeat their success.

National Council

Number of seats: 19

In 2019, the canton of Vaud also experienced an eco-wave. The Greens won two seats, the GLP one. However, it is questionable whether this success can be defended. Both parties have to worry about one seat each. The SVP is at the top of the polls and has a good chance of regaining one of the seats it lost in 2019. According to political observers, the SP and FDP are likely to defend their five seats each. New names could still emerge.

Sergei Aschwanden, multiple European judo champion and Grand Councilor, is considered a promising candidate for an FDP seat. He could most likely displace Alexandre Berthoud or Daniel Ruch. Both only moved up during the legislative period and are still considered to have little profile. After the spectacular election of Valérie Dittli to the cantonal government in 2022, the center is also hoping to win back the seat it lost in 2019 in these elections.

Council of States

Number of seats: 2

In Vaud, both seats are being filled. Who will win is almost certain: the two political heavyweights Pierre-Yves Maillard from the SP and Pascal Broulis from the FDP. Maillard, now the top trade unionist, lost the Federal Council election against Alain Berset in 2011 and achieved national fame at that time at the latest. Broulis is a big name in Vaud and, in 20 years in government, has rehabilitated the ailing canton’s finances.

Maillard and Broulis spent 15 years together in government and were given the malicious nickname “Brouillard et Malice” (“Fog and Intrigue”). In private, however, they are said to hardly exchange a word with each other.

The Green Raphaël Mahaim comes closest to the two. The Watson election exchange also shows this. The lawyer moved up to the National Council last year and now wants to join the Council of States.

Those Candidates:

On October 22nd, 13 people will stand for election in the canton of Vaud:

Angela Zimmermann (Grüne)Emmanuel Gétaz (FDP)Pascal Broulis (Die Mitte)Michael Buffat (Die Mitte)Margarida Janeiro (SP)Raphaël Mahaim (SP)Pierre-Yves Maillard (SP)Céline Weber (glp)Anaïs Timofte (POP)Zakaria Dridi (POP)Ella-Mona Chevalley (Together on Left)Hadrien Buclin (Together on Left)François Meylan (parteilos)


From Sunday you will find all the elected parliamentarians from the canton here.

That’s what the forecasts say

How the forecasts are made

The watson election exchange data comes from the PREMIA prediction market. The data is prepared exclusively for watson by Professor Oliver Strijbis. The PREMIA prediction market is a research project under his leadership funded by the Digital Society Initiative (DSI) of the University of Zurich. You can find out more about the method here. “Toughest challenge ever” – Andri Ragettli impresses with a new stunt

Video: watson

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2023-10-18 15:39:42
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