El Ejido City Council Implements Inclusive Judo Program for People with Disabilities

El Ejido City Council Implements Inclusive Judo Program for People with Disabilities

The City Council already has in its EDMs an inclusive judo program that is taught at the Santo Domingo Municipal Stadium and collaborates with disability associations in the transfer of spaces.

The Municipal Sports Institute of the El Ejido City Council is working on the development of an action protocol aimed at favoring, promoting and incentivizing the practice of sports among people with disabilities in the municipality.

The councilor for Sports, María José Martín, explained that “the practice of physical education and sport is a fundamental right for everyone”, for this reason, “from the IMD we are advancing in the design of a plan that aims to “articulate the access of people with disabilities to sport through Municipal Schools, attending to and responding to the needs of each of them.”

Martín has highlighted that “with this initiative on which we have been working for some time, in addition to enriching and growing the EDM so that it reaches all ejidenses equally, we seek to promote participation in sports activities of people with disabilities, a practice that can provide them with important benefits such as gaining self-esteem, generating tolerance, improving contact with other people and facilitating cooperation.” That is why, during the last Disability Working Group held at the Social Services Center, the intention to once again promote the practice of modalities such as inclusive rugby, among other disciplines, was addressed.

Precisely, “in collaboration with the Disability area, work is also being done on the design and placement of pictograms in municipal sports facilities with the aim of facilitating their accessibility, contributing to creating an environment that is easier to understand and more accessible,” the councilor stressed.

It is worth remembering that, in this line of promoting inclusive sports, the El Ejido City Council already has in its EDMs a judo program aimed at students with disabilities. Currently, classes are taught at the Santo Domingo Municipal Stadium on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 5:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Each class has two instructors, one of them has specific training in inclusive sports, and registers between two and three students with disabilities, thereby favoring their integration and adaptation since each class has between 8 and 10 students.

Likewise, the IMD collaborates with various associations related to disabilities in the transfer of municipal facilities for sports use such as Asprodesa, El Timón, Activa Tu Ocio and Murgi.

The councilor detailed that “with all these proposals we achieve not only inclusion through a backbone as important as sport, but also promote training in values ​​and enhance teamwork, always responding to the needs of each participant.” .

2023-10-09 14:15:06
#IMD #working #implementation #protocol #promote #favor #inclusive #sport #News


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