Eduardo Camavinga Expresses Condolences and Calls for Calm After Deadly Attack in Arras

After the great victory acquired in the Netherlands with the France team, which allowed the Blues to qualify for Euro 2025, Eduardo Camavinga presented himself at a press conference before receiving Scotland this Tuesday for a encounter. The Real Madrid midfielder took advantage of this media outing to return to the drama currently shaking France, the attack perpetrated in a high school in Arras and which cost the life of a teacher. The 20-year-old did not hide his sadness when discussing this new dramatic event.

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“It’s sad. Plus, it happened in a school. A teacher was killed but it could have been a member of our families, of our entourage. The only thing I can do is send my condolences to his family, tell them that I am with them.”notably confided Eduardo Camavinga, visibly still in shock after this deadly attack, before launching an appeal for calm in the aftermath: “These are facts that are not pleasant to hear, we hope that all this will stop”. The message has gotten through!

Pub. 10/15/2023 9:47 p.m. Updated 10/16/2023 12:22 a.m.

2023-10-15 19:47:58
#Eduardo #Camavinga #calls #calm #attack #Arras


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