Doping in elite sport: NADA sounds the alarm

Doping in elite sport: NADA sounds the alarm

Who is doping? If Lars Mortsiefer knew this, he would soon be unemployed. The lawyer was promoted to head of Germany’s National Anti-Doping Agency (NADA) in September. With an annual budget of around twelve million euros and a rather small team, he is supposed to ensure clean, top-class sport. Everyone clean? A beautiful illusion. Since the spectacular unmasking of the Thuringian doctor Mark Schmidt as a blood manipulator of winter athletes in 2019, things have become quiet in Germany. Seemingly. It goes on.

Cases involving German professionals are pending in football, basketball, cycling and ice hockey. A manageable number. But what good does that do if, before international competitions such as the Olympic and Paralympic Games, NADA can only guarantee top German athletes that their Olympic team has been adequately monitored over a reasonable period of time?


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