Dino Meneghin – Story of a legend: the docufilm on the greatest Italian basketball player ever

Dino Meneghin – Story of a legend: the docufilm on the greatest Italian basketball player ever

The new documentary film by Samuele Rossi Dino Meneghin – Story of a legend which brings the life of one of the greatest legends of Italian sport to the screen for the first time. A screening tour is planned which will include the cities of Milan, Rome, Varese, Bologna and Florence, among others. Produced by Solaria Film (Emanuele Nespeca) and Echivisivi (Giuseppe Cassaro and Samuele Rossi) in collaboration with Rai Documentari, the film tells the story of the bold, strong, proud, unattainable athlete, but also the man endowed with a natural and immediate sympathy; a national icon and the only Italian basketball player to be included in the World Basketball Hall of Fame. A privilege reserved only for the older ones. «A regret? — comments Dino Meneghin in the film — Not having played in the NBA. I will do it in my next life.”

From an idea by Samuele Rossi (author of six other docufilms and two feature films, the latest being «Glassboy», an international co-production which in 2020 won the ECFA award for best European film for children and is nominated for the Silver Ribbon) and written with Lorenzo Bagnatori, the film chronologically retraces Meneghin’s career from childhood up to what is considered his sporting pinnacle: the legendary Champions Cup final in which Tracer Milano rose to the roof of Europe after 21 years. But above all, this work highlights how it was Dino himself, through his depth as an athlete and as a man, who transported our basketball into a new dimension, bringing millions of Italians closer to the world of basketball through memorable feats.

SuperDino’s first-person story is alternated with interviews, all unpublished, with his family (his son Andrea, his wife Caterina, his brother Renzo) and the testimonies of the protagonists of Italian basketball: Flavio Vanetti, Sandro Galleani, Dan Peterson, Massimo Lucarelli , Guido Bagatta, Sandro Gamba, Guido Borghi, Pierluigi Marzorati, Aldo Ossola, Roberto Premier. All embellished with archive material that has often been unpublished and unused for years and engaging moments of sporting reconstruction. «This documentary film about Dino – comments director Samuele Rossi – gave me the opportunity to combine my two great passions: cinema and basketball. No one had ever told the extraordinary exploits of Meneghin on the screen and we are finally filling that void. And we are very happy that Rai has accepted this challenge. The intention is to compete with the largest international sports productions where innovative narratives have been able to involve millions of spectators by intertwining epic and emotion, sporting passion and universal values. A hymn to sport and its values.” «We want to continue to talk about sport – adds producer Emanuele Nespeca – as we did with the previous production on the Abbagnale brothers. It is a direction that we are building with conviction given how much sport and only sport can help us rediscover some fundamental values ​​of life such as sacrifice and willpower.”

October 22, 2023 – Updated October 22, 2023, 11:40 pm


2023-10-22 23:35:05
#Dino #Meneghin #Story #legend #docufilm #greatest #Italian #basketball #player


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