Cuban Baseball Player Yobanys Millán Becomes Latest Athlete to Flee Castro Regime

Athletes continue to take advantage of opportunities to leave behind the overwhelming misery of the Castro regime, and this time, it was the Cuban baseball player, Yobanys Millán, who made the decision to leave the Granma team that was in Mexico.

It is worth noting that the Cuban team was in the Aztec nation playing the Baseball Champions League Americas in Mérida, Yucatán.

The information about the departure of the Cuban baseball player was confirmed on social networks by the journalist specialized in sports matters, Francys Romero.

“INF Yobanys Millán left the Granma team that was playing in the Baseball Champions League Americas in Mérida, Yucatán, according to close sources,” the report says.

It was reported that Millán left the hotel where the Cuban squad was staying on Sunday afternoon, and never returned. Subsequently, the managers informed the rest of the players about this event.

“Millán left the hotel on Sunday afternoon and did not return. “The team management has already informed the players internally about this departure.”.

Romero specified that, in this way, Yobanys Millán became the 49th Cuban athlete to leave a delegation so far this year, a figure that will surely increase as the weeks go by.

YOU CAN ALSO READ: Young Cuban player signs with the Detroit Tigers organization

Until now, it is unknown what the Cuban baseball player’s intentions are. It is possible that he tries to make a life in Mexico, or that he seeks free agency in the United States, as many of his colleagues have done.

Currently, there are many athletes from the largest of the Antilles who succeed around the world after having made similar decisions, in nations that gave them those opportunities that in their own country seem impossible thanks to the Castro regime.

Editorial of Cubans around the World

2023-10-02 11:06:53
#Cuban #baseball #player #leaves #Granma #team #Yucatán #Mexico


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