Could Karl-Anthony Towns be the Key Addition for the New York Knicks?

In New York they are happy with what they have, but in no case do they give up taking another step. In recent weeks there has been talk about the options of Giannis Antetokounmpo and Joel Embiid ending up joining the Knicks. However, there is a more feasible option that they should keep an eye on: Karl-Anthony Towns.

That’s how it is. The Minnesota center is going through a difficult time after a 2022-23 campaign in which he was only able to play 29 games and in which he questioned – several times – whether he could share the court with Rudy Gobert. Given such a scenario, there have been many rumors about a hypothetical transfer of the center; What’s more, in the month of June it was Eric Pincus of Bleacher Report who pointed out that Towns could have his hours numbered in the Timberwolves.

Following that track, and also at the beginning of summer, from The Athletic They claimed that it was ruled out that the Knicks would move to get the 27-year-old player, a statement that is now refuted by Stefan Bondy of the New York Post, who emphasizes that those from the Big Apple are closely following the center’s situation.

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Although talking about a transfer is perhaps too hasty, there are clues that indicate that it would not be entirely unreasonable for it to occur. From the aforementioned New York media they explain that beyond Towns’ qualities, which are of interest due to his wide offensive range, he is himself head coach of the team, Tom Thibodeau, who welcomes returning to coach a player he knows well from the time they shared in the Minneapolis franchise.

Would Towns fit in with the current Knicks? For some time now, management has focused on adding pieces with a very defined character towards the defensive side of the game, such as Josh Hart and Donte DiVincenzo. Perhaps he understands that with that field covered, the time has come to take a step forward in attack. If so, Towns may help them be a better team – if he ends up arriving.

(Photo by Harry How/Getty Images)

2023-10-14 09:00:00
#Los #Knicks #atentos #KarlAnthony #Towns


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