Cholet Suffers Defeat in Champions League Debut against Tenerife

Traveling to Tenerife for his first in the Champions League this season, Cholet was outclassed (95-75).

Yet in front after ten minutes (24-15), the Choletais did not manage to slow down the Spanish attack. Beaten over the next three quarters, the players of Laurent Villa conceded 80 points in the last 30 minutes. In the end, Cholet lost 95-75.

Best Choletais, Enzo Goudou-Sinha compiled 14 points, 1 rebound, 2 steals and 4 assists for 19 rating. Match stats.

Photo credit: Champions League

2023-10-17 20:53:00
#BCL #Cholet #light #Tenerife


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