Cercy-la-Tour Hosts Semi-Final of EHPAD’Athlon for Nursing Home Residents

Cercy-la-Tour. SEMI-FINAL OF THE EHPAD’ATHLON AT THE CERCY-LA-TOUR GYMNASE. Adess (1) 58 has been engaged, for several years, in a laudable mission: to promote healthy sport, not only for adolescents and pre-adolescents, families and women, but also for residents of nursing homes, in order to improve their quality of life by promoting their physical and mental well-being through adapted activities.

It is with this in mind that the Ehpad’athlon was created in 2021, inspired by the Olympic Games, for people in nursing homes. The first two editions took place in Lormes and Saint-Saulge. One of the semi-finals of the third edition took place at the Cercy-la-Tour gymnasium on Tuesday. Three preparation sessions were organized, before this date, within each establishment, thus offering specific training to the volunteers (61 residents registered in the end), according to their skills and balance.

Last Tuesday, all afternoon, residents of nine Nivernais establishments (2) competed against each other, in teams of eight to ten, under the control of sports educators. Each of them is made up of residents, staff members and young athletes from the Cercy Athletic Club (CAEV): an extraordinary intergenerational dimension.

On the program, five disciplines: tricycle, archery (suction cup), throwing, mini-hockey and volleyball. The afternoon was interspersed with a snack, to the sound of the accordion, adding a festive touch to the event.

At the end of the fierce competition, the results were announced by Louis Beudet, vice-president of Adess 58. Each member of the first four teams received a superb medal.

New nursing home, with the exceptional participation of young athletes from the CAEV

Results. 1. The Lady’s Field (Varennes-lès-Narcy); 2. The Four Seasons (Saint-Benin-d’Azy); 3. The House of Verdiaux (Fourchambault); 4. Émile-Clerget (Nevers). These four teams will meet, for the final, the winners of the semi-final played in Château-Chinon on October 26.

(1) Departmental association for the development of employment in sports, cultural and tourist activities. (2) Château-Morlon (Cercy-la-Tour), Les Jardins des Laignes (Donzy), Les Rives de la Nièvre, Émile-Clerget and Marion de Givry (Nevers), Cosac (La Charité sur Loire), Le Champ de the lady (Varennes-lès-Narcy), The Four Seasons (Saint-Benin-d’Azy), The House of Verdiaux (Fourchambault).

Finale. Wednesday November 15, at 1:30 p.m., at the Caqueret sports complex, in Decize.

2023-10-27 04:00:00
#Ehpadathlon #residents #Olympics


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