Blake Penner Ties Winnipeg High School Football Record with 23 Touchdowns

Published Oct. 27, 2023 4:11 p.m. ET

Blake Penner – quarterback with the Dakota Lancers – tied a Winnipeg high school football record throwing for 23 touchdowns this season. (Oct. 24, 2023. (Source: Scott Andersson/CTV News Winnipeg)

When Blake Penner entered the start of the Winnipeg high school football season he only had one thing on his mind, winning a championship.

While there is still work to be done to get to that point, he was able to put his name into the record books this season.

The senior quarterback for the Dakota Lancers tied the single-season touchdown record set back in 2009 by throwing 23 touchdowns this season.

The record was originally set by Garden City’s Ryan Ozunko in 2009.

“It means a lot. It was fun to appreciate that over the weekend after the game happened,” said Penner.

He finished the regular season with 72 completions and 1,555 yards passing, both stats were top marks in the league.

He was able to tie the record in the final game of the regular season, by throwing six touchdowns.

Even with the spotlight being shined on him, Penner was extremely humble talking about his success, highlighting the team that surrounds him.

“I just feel very lucky about the team that I have. I have really good receivers that make it easy for me and an O-line that is able to protect me really well, and coaches that put me in a good position. So I feel lucky to have the team that I do.”

While the record is special for Penner, he said his main focus is winning a championship, something he and his team fell short of doing last season, losing in the finals.

“I think it’s all about a championship for me. That’s what really matters. I want a championship.”


Mitchell Harrison, the coach for the Dakota Lancers football team, said he has loved being able to watch and coach Penner this season.

“He’s a coach’s dream … (he’s) super coachable, he takes feedback really well. He’s a competitor, he goes about his businesses and generally leads by example,” said Harrison.

The coach noted it wasn’t always easy for Penner, his first year of high school football was interrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic and when he took the field in 2021 there were some struggles.

But since then, he has really grown into his own as a player said Harrison.

“Then in Grade 11, he took the reigns, he started pretty much every game, other than a couple of games due to injury. And then this year, he’s just ran with it and it’s been amazing.”

How high Penner’s overall stats ended up being may have been a surprise for Harrison, but he wasn’t surprised to see how much success Penner has had this year.

“I did think he would have tremendous success. It’s hard to quantify that in the preseason and offseason like he’s exactly going to get these numbers, but I’m not surprised he’s doing very well. That was something we definitely expected and we were kind of hoping for and he’s delivered.”

Penner and the rest of his Dakota team will see if they can make it over the hump and win that championship starting Friday night when they battle Steinbach in quarterfinal action.

2023-10-27 20:11:54
#Dakota #Lancers #quarterback #ties #Winnipeg #high #school #football #record #main #focus #championship #title


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