Badminton ’80 Men’s Team Dominates Match Against IJsselstad BC

WEZEP – On Saturday morning, September 30, the Badminton ’80 men’s team was present early in Deventer for the match against IJsselstad BC. The matches were played by: Rémon vd Werfhorst, Thomas Koopsmans, Cornel van Dorp and Justin Booij.

Rémon and Cornel played the first doubles, and won 21-9, 21-15. The second doubles was played by Justin and Thomas and they also won their match: 21-17, 21-16. After this it was the turn for the singles, in which Justin played the first game and Cornel the second game. Justin won his match 21-11 and 21-18. Cornel also won convincingly, 21-12 and 21-13.

After this, Thomas was allowed to play as third and Rémon as fourth king. Thomas won his match with ease, 21-6, 21-7. Rémon certainly had to work in the second set, but also won his match. 21-12, 27-25. Finally, there were the doubles of Justin/Rémon and Cornel/Thomas.

Justin and Rémon won their match 21-6 and 21-15. Cornel and Thomas had the most exciting match of the day, but won 14-21, 21-16 and 21-13.

A nice 8-0 win for the Men’s Team of Badminton ’80. Next week the team can play against ELO on Monday evening, October 9.

2023-10-02 08:21:59
#win #Badminton #Mens #Team


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