Ask for forgiveness – The penultimate living raulista

Ask for forgiveness – The penultimate living raulista

What does it have to do with it, Pep Guardiola, how your team will play or not play? It has nothing to do with it. How good or bad your Barça’s football was is something subjective but we are talking about something objective, verified and verifiable: Football Club Barcelona paid 7.3 million euros for at least 17 years to the vice president of active referees. You say that your team played very well and I say that with your team’s football I, for example, took a few naps in pajamas and a potty, but that enters the realm of opinion: you have one opinion about this painting, that book or that singer and I have a different opinion. About what There is nothing to comment on, it is about the fact that Barça paid Negreira between 2001 and 2018, and since you managed the team between 2008 and 2012, the English journalist asks you what you think about being paid. There’s no more. Is there a judicial conviction? There isn’t. Is there social condemnation? Of course yes, you just have to look at how the presidents of the League clubs begin to distance themselves from Laporta, the latest Jon Uriarte. Is it ethical? We will all agree that he is not, right? So? Where is the problem? Oh, of course, we have to wait to see what justice says. How did you wait with the coup plotters of the illegal October 1 referendum or are you referring to another different way of waiting? I tell you this because on October 14, 2019 the Supreme Court He sentenced Junqueras and his friends to prison terms and you went to see them in Lledoners prison and you commented on the way out that they had not broken a glass and that the sentence was unfair. “Why can’t I pronounce myself?” you said then. You could speak out and you did. And why do we now have to sit and wait for what justice says? Don’t you think that if the judge doesn’t find a way to get his hands on Barça, there won’t be anyone who will continue to think that the fact itself, the way it was done, through what he was paid, how Negreira got his money from the ATM and for how long was he paid is absolutely indecent? And why shouldn’t we be able to speak out, Pep Guardiola, if you said, knowing that you were lying, that there are political prisoners in Spain?

Let’s see, Xavi Hernández, you mix everything. What do doping, Villarato and the fact that Barça has been paying the referee vice president for 17 years have to do with it? A journalist, one, said that someone had told him… and he paid for it. Come on, Cope paid for it. Did you see anyone following him on that adventure? Well no, no one followed him because it was absolute madness. Del Villarato, whose name was actually invented by another journalist, Alfredo Relaño, who offered all the details was a former vice president of Barça with Laporta, Alfonso Godall, who lived it from within. Look, write down what this gentleman said: “Good relations with the federation and with the referees committee helped us.” I mean, they helped you. What Godall says is that Laporta approached the president of the Federation and that approach was profitable for him arbitrarily speaking, and since the president of the federation was called Villar, the journalist baptized that as Villarato. You talk about that nonsense that Laporta has invented about sociological Madridism without evidence, those of us who talk about Villarato do so with them. And those who say that Barça paid Negreira also do so.

By the way, every time I see yesterday’s interview with Laporta repeated it seems more embarrassing to me. He showed us Franco’s cape and we went after the head and now he has shown us the sociological Real Madrid cape and we start over, but the chicha is not there. To begin with, Laporta says that she does not know exactly when they started paying Negreira: “Well, that comes from Núñez, from Gaspart for sure.” In other words, bribery could extend to a quarter of a century. It’s curious because he acknowledges that he paid Negreira “regularly” for decades but then he claims, so proudly, that There is no ongoing crime although there are invoices from 2001. And then they ask him what Barça pays now for his arbitration advisory service and, since he doesn’t want to say it, he says that they paid him “at the market price.” But let’s see, Laporta, to pay him at the market price, there should first be a market of arbitration advisors to which he can go, right? And, of course, other clubs that will pay, right? Can you tell me a football club that has paid for these services besides Barça? Tell me one besides Barça and I’ll shut up. Only one. Guardiola, Xavi and Laporta, apologize, you still have time.

2023-10-20 17:08:07
#forgiveness #penultimate #living #raulista


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