Artist Stefano Marino Fransoni Showcases Sporting Champions and Icons in Solo Exhibition at Casa Bondi Municipal Library

Casa Bondi municipal library – 11 – 25 November 2023
Inauguration Saturday 11 November 2023 at 4pm
Presentation by Pier Francesco Prata

Multifaceted sportsman, dedicated to various disciplines, always practiced at national and international level, from athletics to football, from marathon to swimming to archery, provincial delegate of Bologna of the Italian Archery Federation, Stefano Marino Fransoni in this solo exhibition combines the passion for sport with the artistic one: a pupil of the well-known master Demetrio Casile, in this solo exhibition, hosted at the Casa Bondi municipal library, he presents 29 portraits, mostly of sporting champions and some great show business personalities, made in pencil on paper. Special guests at the opening of the exhibition on Saturday, 11 November 2023, three great champions portrayed by the artist: Iuana Bassi and Natalia Valeeva, archery champions, Paola Tattini, clay shooting champion.

The exhibition will be open to visitors until November 25th during the library’s opening hours.
Monday 2pm-7pm; Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: 9am – 1pm / 2pm – 7pm; Saturday 9am – 1pm.

• Stefano Marino Fransoni was born Florence on 14 June 1959. Athlete and passionate sportsman, he participated in World, European, Italian and Regional Championships in various sports including Duathlon, Swimming, Athletics, Iaido and Archery, winning titles and medals at national and regional levels. Since 2018 he has been Provincial Delegate of the Italian Archery Federation (FITARCO) of Bologna. Despite entering the world of art late, starting a course with prof. Demetrio Casile in 2020, he participated in several exhibitions and art competitions, winning some prizes. He uses one of the basic drawing techniques; pencil on paper. The subject he prefers is the human figure, represented with hyper-realistic technique. His works are mainly portraits of icons of sport, entertainment and public life of the present and past.
He currently lives in Bologna, where he dedicates himself to his family, his sporting activities and his art.

• Luana Bassi: Vice world champion of individual 3D archery in 2022, European 3D women’s team and mixed team champion in 2023.

• Paola Tattini: born in Castenaso, she was individual and team world champion several times in the Olympic pit, universal pit and Elica clay pigeon.

• Natalia Valeeva: Multiple world champion in individual and team archery, individual and team bronze medal at the Barcelona Olympics in 1992.

2023-10-27 11:12:18
#Myths #yesterday #today #Sports #champions #entertainment #legends #drawings #Stefano #Marino #Fransoni


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