And the RFEF returned to the house of Tebas: Rocha offers “unity” and “dialogue” to the clubs and LaLiga

And the RFEF returned to the house of Tebas: Rocha offers “unity” and “dialogue” to the clubs and LaLiga

He president of the RFEF is not part of the LaLiga assembly, but has the right to attend each and every one of its meetings, with voice but without vote. Luis RubialesHowever, he had not gone to that body since April 2019. If you ask in LaLiga, he stopped going because the clubs read him the card. If you ask the former federation president and those around him, he stopped going because the meetings ended up becoming unjustified terminations.

For one reason or another, the reality is that Rubiales had not visited the Torrelaguna league headquarters for four long years. And there was no photo in which they appeared together the top leaders of LaLiga and the RFEF from the famous Viana Pacts, that forced meeting with the Government to agree on how the bill for the covid crisis was going to be paid. Since then, a thousand and one wars between both institutions.

But Rubiales is no longer in charge of the RFEF and Pedro Rocha is. And although he is not president as such, but rather president of the managing committee, the Extremaduran leader has decided to attend the ordinary assembly of LaLiga, a conclave called to approve the ordinary budgets of the competition and to make certain changes to the rules of economic control and registration of footballers. A meeting without too much sauce, so to speak.

Two meetings in one morning

The grace was, in fact, Rocha’s presence in her. A brief presence, yes, because his agenda was tight: at 11:00 the LaLiga assembly began and at 12:30 he had an appointment in Las Rozas with the president of the CSD, Víctor Francos, and the national team players, for the signing of the Oliva Agreements. And they are not exactly close to each other.

Rocha, in short, hasn’t had time for much. He has asked to speak and has addressed the clubs, most of them hostile to the ‘rubialist’ RFEF in recent years, to send them a message of “unity” and “dialogue”, according to sources present at the assembly. Some of them slip that more than the president of the RFEF manager, who has appeared in LaLiga is a future candidate for the presidency of the RFEF who wants to win votes from the clubs. Time will tell.

World Cup 2030

The Extremaduran leader has also appealed to the need for leaders in the world of football to live up to the positions they occupy and has stressed the importance of all Spanish football joining forces so that the organization of the World Cup 2030 be a success.

“Spain is a great country, we are going to have a World Cup in 2030, we are going to organize it and we all the clubs, all the referees and all the classes We must be united to make the best World Cup in history,” Rocha later said in statements to the media present, after a “very pleasant” and “very cordial” meeting.

They say that Tebas, delighted of course with the departure of Rubiales, He also wanted to build bridgesbefore praising ‘their’ clubs some recent RFEF initiatives, such as support for autistic children at the start of the Spain-Scotland match played in Seville or their sustainability strategy.

Come on, everyone is at a point where they want to get along. Or at least hide it well. Time will tell.

2023-10-23 15:30:42
#RFEF #returned #house #Tebas #Rocha #offers #unity #dialogue #clubs #LaLiga


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