Adidas Combat Shops Launches Line of Judogis with 10% Discount to Celebrate World Judo Day

To celebrate World Judo Day Adidas Combat Shops launches a line of judogis with a 10% discount. Images Courtesy.

In commemoration of World Judo Day which will be celebrated this October 28, Adidas Combat Shops México unveiled a line of judogis and items with a special discount to “Bring a Friend” to the practice and competition of this martial art.

With this fact, the brand of uniforms and items for martial arts in Mexico joins the actions of the International Judo Federation (IJF), to promote the values ​​of this discipline for the entire society.

In this same line, and through the Commercial Director, Eng. Erick Alonso Torres, of Adidas Combat Sports Mexico joined the message of World Judo Day for 2023, which is, precisely, “Bring a Friend” to practice and fall in love with this martial discipline.

For this celebration, the manager unveiled the line of judogis and items for “leisure practice for children to high-level competition, including kata or judo for veterans,” as stated by the IJF.

Likewise, he sent a message to all judokas in his day:

“A huge congratulations to all the JUDO athletes on their day, in ADIDAS Combat Shops We are aware of the effort and commitment required to practice this beautiful discipline, which is why I reiterate our commitment to offering you the best cost-benefit ratio in our articles. ADIDAS JUDO.

If you have not yet visited us in our physical store, we are waiting for you with open arms, show this report and you will get 10% discount in your purchase.”

In addition to this, he mentioned that, starting this Friday, October 27 and for a whole month, all judogis will have the 10% discount, with free shipping.

In this way, some of the models approved by the IJF that are available are the J500, J200E and J350, in white and blue, in addition to the Judo shirt, among other items that can be found in the Combat Shop, located in Avenida Fray Servando Teresa de Mier, number 840-103, Colonia Jardín Balbuena, Mayor’s Office Venustiano Carranza, Mexico City, telephone 55 3069 4305.

And as mentioned above, for those who live outside the Metropolitan Area or cannot go to the aforementioned point of sale, they can request delivery of their judogi or items at no cost.

Images: Courtesy Adidas Combat Shops Mexico and International Judo Federation page.

2023-10-27 21:10:53
#celebrate #World #Judo #Day #Adidas #Combat #Shops #launches #line #judogis #discount


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