AAC/UC Badminton Team Wins Silver in National University Championship

The Badminton team of the Academic Association of Coimbra and the University of Coimbra (AAC/UC) started the 2023/2024 academic year by reaching second place in the National University Badminton Championship – Teams.

The competition will take place on October 16th, in Porto, and the AAC/UC university team was represented by a delegation of fifteen athletes, winning a silver medal. The competition was organized by the Academic Federation of University Sports (FADU).

At the start of the 2023/2024 University Sports Season, the team made up of Hugo Fernandes (FEUC), Kevin Selvarajah (FCDEFUC), Pedro Pedroso (FCTUC), Margarida Cabaço (FLUC), Gabriela Melo (FCTUC) and Inês Garcia (FMUC) arrived to the final, becoming Vice-Champion against Universidade Nova de Lisboa.

2023-10-17 16:56:24
#AACUC #wins #silver #National #University #Badminton #Championship


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