40 Young Competitors Complete Intensive 2-Day Judo Course: A Moment of Sporting and Human Sharing

40 young competitors aged 10 to 14 completed an intensive 2-day course, a wonderful moment of sporting and human sharing. The young people from the Creusetin club were accompanied by a dozen Grenoble residents from the ASMD Judo Club. Teachers from the 2 clubs led several technical sessions over the 2 days.
A 2-hour Randori evening (training fights) closed the session of the first day with the presence of other clubs from Saône et Loire (JC Chalonnais, JC Sennecey le Grand, JC Blanzynois, JC St Léger sur Dheune) invited by Johnny Potet, trainer of the Creusot Judo club. The first evening ended with a pizza evening for the Creusot and Grenoble clubs, a wonderful moment of friendship, meeting and exchanges. Then a “All in the dojo” course took place for the youngest members of the club. 45 budding judokas set foot on the Creusotin tatami for a day to practice fun games around judo in a great moment of cohesion.

2023-10-30 08:06:33
#CREUSOT #young #judokas #intensive #training


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