28th Suwon City Taekwondo Association President’s Cup Taekwondo Competition Celebrated with Opening Ceremony

[미디어타임즈=신정식 기자] On the 21st, the Suwon Special City Council celebrated the hosting of the ’28th Suwon City Taekwondo Association President’s Cup Taekwondo Competition’ held at the Suwon City Badminton Stadium hosted by Suwon City Taekwondo Association (Chairman Woo Hee-chang).

The opening ceremony was attended by Chairman Kim Ki-jeong, city council members, major guests, Taekwondo students and athletes, and began with an opening declaration, followed by welcome and congratulatory remarks and a Taekwondo demonstration.

Chairman Kim said, “I am even more excited to see the dream team of Taekwondo athletes with such great heat. “I hope this competition will be a valuable opportunity for your passion, effort, and sports spirit for Taekwondo to shine, and a challenge to overcome your limits,” he said.

In addition, he added, “Suwon City Council will also strive to raise the status of Taekwondo and expand and revitalize the base of Taekwondo players and enthusiasts.”

This competition was held after the Suwon City Taekwondo Association was normalized for the first time in 6 years, and was held in three events: Poomsae, Gyeorugi, and Breaking.

2023-10-22 22:22:30
#Suwon #Special #City #Council #congratulates #28th #Suwon #City #Taekwondo #Association #Presidents #Cup #Taekwondo #Competition #Media #Times


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