24 Candidates Await the Selection of Winner for the 2023 State Sports Award

As indicated in the call issued by the National Commission of Physical Culture and Sports (Conade), this Sunday, October 15, registrations for the 2023 State Sports Award were closed, with a total of 24 candidates who in time and They complied in submitting their documentation and now they will wait for the jury to choose the winner of said recognition on Thursday the 19th.

In this way, the general director of Indeporte, Tania Robles Velázquez, congratulated each and every candidate who made the decision to deliver their recognition, since she stated that if they are doing so, it is because they have had excellent results throughout a year, emphasizing that although the decision is not favorable for several of them, they continue training with more strength and seeking to fulfill their dreams.

Regarding the athletes heading, there were 14 athletes who submitted their documentation, being the following in the discipline of taekwondo, Manuel Alejandro Zepeda Lopez, Enrique Garcia Llaven, Mario Joshua Ovando Durante and Joshua Emanuel Cruz Gomez. In Associated Fights, Eduardo Maximilian Garcia Betanzos and Ricardo Alejandro Peña Valencia. And in boxing, Esther Magdalena Hernandez Rhodes.

In this same section are the judokas, Jessica Montserrat Gomez Cruz and Maria Fernanda Cruz Bolom. As well as Diego Montoya Arias in Swimming, Javier Corzo de Leon in Weightlifting and Diego Rodrigo Diaz Lievano in Skates On Wheels. Closing this heading two candidates of the adapted sport, Victor Manuel Palacios Tadeo of Parataekwondo and Maria Jesus Lopez Perez of Paraswimming.

While for the coaches, there will be 9 candidates, being Alfredo Mayorga Álvarez, Víctor Manuel López Hernández and Víctor Hugo Altúzar Pérez, all of them from Taekwondo. As well as José Candelario Chávez Banda de Luchas Asociadas; Adanaeth Yadira Figueroa Pérez from Roller Skates; Jorge Palacios Murias from Boxing and Luis Alberto Damas Martínez from Judo.

Closing with two adapted sport coaches, Lina Isela Limón Hernández from Parataekwondo and Eliezer Ruiz Herrera from Paranatación. The list of candidates is completed in the category of Promotion, Protection or Imposition of the Practice of Sports, with the registration of Jacinto Germán Santiz López of Martial Arts.

Now the jury, which was previously unclean, will have the responsibility of choosing one or more winners, with the meeting date being Thursday, October 19, and that same day it must issue its resolution, which is final. Regarding the delivery of the PED 2023, as in the last four years, it will be Governor Rutilio Escandón Cadenas who will deliver on a date yet to be defined.

2023-10-17 01:11:33
#Athletes #Coaches #Sports #Promotion #candidates #State #Sports #Award


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