22nd Edition of the ‘Villa de Avilés’ International Judo Tournament Attracts Record Number of Participants

“Years go by, but Villa always remains faithful to its appointment.” This weekend Avilés will once again be the center of judo attention with the 22nd edition of the “Villa de Avilés” International Tournament, which will bring together 1,800 judokas in the Villa del Adelantado, a historic number of participants. Countries such as Moldova, Italy, Portugal, France and Andorra, this newcomer, will have their representatives in El Quirinal.

“This madness has come to fruition again. For us it is a pride to fill Asturias with judo,” said Carlos Fernández, organizer of the tournament and technical director of Judo Avilés, during the presentation that took place yesterday. The man from Aviles could not hide the satisfaction and pride that comes with organizing such an event and wanted to thank his entire team for their work over these months. “Sport is an impressive social driver and events prove it,” said Fernández, who explained that Villa is a great boost for the economy of all of Asturias, since Avilés does not have the necessary hotel capacity to accommodate so many families. “This event will make Avilés a big name throughout European judo,” he said, highlighting that “we must value what we have in our hands.”

José Ramón Maseda, president of the Asturian Judo Federation, put Villa as one of the most important tournaments, “if not the most”, in all of Spain. “There is no championship where 1,800 families come together,” said Maseda, who said he felt “very proud” to have a tournament like this. “It is very difficult to simultaneously do so many things at the same time as is done here, there is a lot of work behind it,” commented the president, who assured that the clubs that come from other parts of the map tell him that “they feel at home.” “Everyone welcomes them with open arms. That makes both the clubs and Asturias grow,” he added.

“For Avilés it is a very important event. It is a sporting event, something that this city is very interested in, in addition to attracting many people from outside the region and Asturias. It not only makes us known, but also everyone the potential we have as a region,” said Mariví Monteserín, mayor of Avilés. “All together we can make an event like this an interesting experience for everyone who comes,” said the councilor, who said she was very interested in the return that an event like this can give to the city.

Villa will once again be an economic engine for the entire region, in addition to filling the streets of different Asturian cities. On the first day, next Saturday, the attendance of the president of the Principality, Adrián Barbón, is confirmed, who will thus fulfill his 2022 promise to return to Villa, while on the second day, Sunday, the general director of Physical Activity and Sports, Manuela Fernández.

Furthermore, in the desire to continue making the city a participant in the tournament, Villa has joined the Brotherhood of Good HDL Cholesterol with the “Heart-Healthy Breakfasts”, an event that will take place next Friday, October 27, starting at nine in the morning at the 40 Knots Hotel. Another of the proposals that they repeat are the guided tours of the historic center that the Avilés City Council launched last year. Free of charge, visitors who wish will have a guide on a pedestrian tour lasting an hour and a half, to learn about the most significant landmarks, spaces and buildings in the history of the city.

2023-10-24 02:07:05
#Villa #Avilés #breaks #record #participating #athletes


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