10 signs your body is telling you your calorie total is too low

10 signs your body is telling you your calorie total is too low

The desire to build muscle and of losing weight pushes multiple people to reduce considerably the calories daily.

While reducing the amount of food and calories seems like a good idea to get rid of fat, the reality appears more complex.

And deficit of caloriestoo much deprivation or even poor eating habits may not offer the expected results and generally lead to problems.

In fact, calories serve as “fuel” and constitute a essential source of energy so that cells and organs fulfill their functions.

Here we will discuss 10 signs of too low calorie levels and try to explain them.

1. You lack physical strength

The decline in physical strength is often the direct result of diminution from muscular mass.

When calories are insufficient, the body draws on its reserves. It not only burns the fat in stock, but also muscle to obtain energy.

However, muscles need calories to develop, maintain and function. A declining strength can thus be a clear sign of excessive calorie restriction.

When you engage in physical activity, it usually results in difficulty to perform a gesture that seemed easy to you before.

Normally, an ideal calorie reduction does not alter strength much.

2. You are losing weight too quickly

Although this seems satisfactory, very rapid weight loss is, most of the time, the result of the loss fat AND muscle.

Many people who drastically limit their calorie intake too quickly experience what is called the yoyo effect.

This is expressed by weight loss in the early stages, followed by weight regain. THE Center for Disease Control and Prevention suggests that people who gradually lose weightat the rate of 1 pound to 2 pounds per week (approximately 0.5 kg and 1 kg), are more likely to maintain their weight than those losing quickly.

However, for an appropriate calculation of the weight to be lost over a week, certain factors must also be taken into account such as total weight, fat mass, age, etc.

3. You are always hungry

Being hungry all the time or craving to eat is a very common expression of too low a calorie level.

The body that has no not the fuel necessary to ensure its functions then produces ghrélinea hormone that stimulates appetite.

This also affects other processes such as sleep or insulin levels. Not content with disrupting your nightsyour mood or your blood sugarhunger commonly leads to overconsumption of food.

A 2013 scientific study published by the National Institutes of Health goes in this direction and indicates that for 40% of cases, a reduction in calories causes an increase of approximately 18% in the desire to eat.

4. You snack often

A calorie restriction pronounced can cause notable variations in the blood sugarwhich leads to cravings constant, especially for foods sweet or gras.

In reality, the body “wants” to compensate for the lack of calories by absorbing rich products in order to replenish its energy capital.

These desires are then difficult to restrain and can have serious consequences on weight. Furthermore, they regularly cause guilt and impact personal esteem.

Read also: Snacking: how to counter this bad habit?

5. Your weight loss plateaus

When the weight no longer drops despite a low-calorie diet, this may be due to a prolonged lack of energy over time.

This phenomenon, which generally occurs after weight loss, is caused by two elements.

The diet that is too low in calories encourages the body to store more, as well as the reduction in muscle mass which slows down metabolism.

6. You feel tired

As we said before, calories are essential to provide energy to the body. In the event of a deficit, the organization ensures the vital functions as priority.

An intake that is too low can therefore lead to chronic fatiguedrops in fitness or motivation and even brain fog.

In many situations, a lack of calories causes fatigue to persist, even after a night’s sleep.

7. You lose your hair

THE hair are mainly composed of keratin, a protein synthesized by the body.

As mentioned earlier, when the calorie level becomes too low, the body “abandons” certain functions. It then no longer makes enough proteins, which causes a disruption in the keratin level.

This deficiency results in hair problems such as hair loss, brittleness, loss of shine or even reduced growth.

In addition, if the diet is not suitable, the lack of nutrients also impacts hair health. Furthermore, it leads to more stress (and cortisol) which further promotes hair disorders.

8. You are constipated

A low-calorie diet is often accompanied by lack of fiber food.

These remain imperative so that the digestion takes place normally, particularly in the intestines.

When dietary fiber is insufficient, it is not uncommon to suffer from constipation or of intestinal problems.

Note that to exercise participates in better intestinal movements (peristaltic) and helps with bowel movements.

Read also: Dietary fiber: what is the right intake for athletes?

9. You have sleep problems

Drastic calorie restriction can taint the sleep.

Changes in sugar levels due to low calorie consumption can lead to cortisol peaksthe hormone responsible for sleep.

Cortisol dysregulation can notably manifest itself through insomnia or some difficulties to sleep sustainably.

10. Menstrual Problems in Women

THE women who follow a diet that is too low in calories may suffer from menstrual disorders.

The body concentrates on other functions and the secretion of the main hormones female (estrogen and progesterone) can be seen disturbedwhich results in irregular cycles, even absent.

Quite logically, this situation usually has repercussions on the fertility feminine.


It is essential to don’t ignore these 10 signs relating to a lack of calories.

If you wish reduce your contribution caloric of way healthy, lasting and without losing muscle, do not hesitate to seek help from a nutritionist or doctor.

Updated by Quentin on: 07/10/2023

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