1. FC Köln: Baumgart takes charge of his team

1. FC Köln: Baumgart takes charge of his team

Sports 1. FC Cologne

Baumgart takes on his team

As of: 1:12 p.m. | Reading time: 3 minutes

Enough is enough: Cologne coach Steffen Baumgart criticized his team in clear words on Monday


Even on the day before the cup game in Kaiserslautern, Cologne coach Baumgart is primarily concerned with his team’s poor performance in the league. At a press conference he harshly criticizes his team.

There isn’t much time to practice things in training or make big changes after another defeat. The next task awaits 1. FC Köln on Tuesday evening, who have to play against second division team 1. FC Kaiserslautern in the DFB Cup (8.45 p.m./ZDF) – and lost 6-0 at RB Leipzig on Saturday.

But there is enough time to address things clearly.

Steffen Baumgart, the FC coach, also did that on Monday. The bankruptcy in Leipzig is apparently still putting a lot of strain on the coach. “We won’t just let this pass us by,” Baumgart announced on Monday morning before a team meeting. “I’m curious to see how long it takes,” said the 51-year-old FC coach about the process. After the game in Leipzig he had already criticized his team’s attitude.

Coach announces personnel changes

On Monday, Baumgart upped the ante again and warned his professionals. “I am someone who has been behind the boys for a long time and still do. But at some point it’s time for work. At some point it’s about doing what is demanded. If some people can’t implement this, I have to be even clearer. I have very clear language, so I just have to be even clearer,” said Baumgart and added: “If you don’t understand that, you have to explain what the Bundesliga means. This is the highest league, we all work for it, we are proud of it. That’s what I expect to see. But I don’t expect to see us hang our heads and quit five minutes before halftime.”

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Body language, attitude and mentality, Baumgart continued, are things that are always part of football. “If I don’t bring body language to the pitch, then I have a problem. I was a player who only succeeded because of that. And that’s what I embody as a coach. If I have a team that doesn’t use body language, then I’m really pissed off at some point. I haven’t heard that from my boys yet. But now I have to say: until then and no further! And I don’t stand for that, I don’t want to stand for that. I take everything with me: inferiority, deficits, and I also think that we don’t do everything right. What I don’t do is if no one knows what it’s about – because there’s a lot at stake here.”

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In the Bundesliga, Cologne are second to last in a direct relegation zone with just four points from nine games. Baumgart sees his team in this region until the end this season. “The fact that we are having a very difficult year, that the relegation battle will come down to the last match day – that must be clear to everyone,” said Baumgart, who announced personnel changes for the cup game on Tuesday.

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