Venezuela has its standard bearers for Santiago 2023

The Venezuelan delegation for the Pan American Games has its standard bearers. This Saturday the Venezuelan Olympic Committee (COV) reported that those in charge of carrying the national flag will be Joselyn Brea and Keydomar Vallenilla.

Both athletes have achieved great triumphs for the national team in recent years.

Let us remember that Joselyn Brea was one of the most outstanding runners in the last edition of the Central American and Caribbean Games, winning gold medals in the 1,500 meters, half marathon (21 km) and 5,000 meters.

For his part, weightlifter Keydomar Vallenilla also won the gold medal at the Central Americans in the 96 kg category. In addition, he took first place in the Pan American Weightlifting Championships held in Bariloche, Argentina.

Read also: Villa de Santiago 2023 inaugurated

Without a doubt, Keydomar Vallenilla and Joselyn Brea have known how to leave Venezuela’s name high. That is why there are high expectations for its participation in Santiago 2023.

2023-09-23 22:05:43
#Venezuela #standard #bearers #Santiago


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