Valliere: A Champion on the Tatami Inspiring Young Judokas

VALLIERE. A champion on the tatami. The Creuse Departmental Judo Committee has just organized a one and a half day course.

Around fifty judokas were present, the majority from Creusois but also from Limousin and even southerners, who came to practice their favorite sport and listen to the advice given by Larbi Benboudaoud.

Olympic medalist

For the uninitiated, Larbi Benboudaoud won multiple tournaments during his career and was a world and European champion, also a silver medalist at the Sydney Olympics and gold in Tokyo as team coach from mixed France.

“How did I get him to come?” », laughs René Bouchaud, the president of the Departmental Committee. “It’s easy, I knew Larbi when I was a kid. It is therefore a story of friendship and shared passion.” And as much as the fighter was angry when he got on a tatami, his teaching is gentle.

“I was lucky, I received a lot, so I’m happy to give back to judo what it gave me. There, there are children, there are parents, men, women, little ones, big ones, it’s great. If one word should define us in judo, it is the word sharing.”

Larbi Benboudaoud is currently director of sports and institutional relations at France Judo. He thus has time to bring his experience to the territories, at the national level but also internationally, and to disseminate his values: “Work is the basis of success, but not only in judo. It is the basis of success in life. When you want to get something, you have to work. You may be the most talented in the world, but if you don’t work, you won’t achieve your goals.” And he came with another message: “I tried to make the children understand that we must stop with the “we are a rural department, we are in a small club”. Do not say that ! The greatest champions started at the bottom and if it hadn’t been for a small club or a small judo teacher, they wouldn’t have reached the top.”

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2023-09-19 04:14:26
#champion #tatami #young #people


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