Ukraine-Russia, today’s news | Russian missiles against three Ukrainian cities: 1 dead and 41 injured. The US announces second shipment of weapons to Kiev in 24 hours

• Kharkiv, Ukrainian flags raised in Stroivka and Topoli, on the border with Russia
• NATO: «Kiev is advancing 100 meters a day»
• Depleted uranium munitions and cluster bombs: the “dirty weapons” of the war in Ukraine
• Kamala Harris: «Huge mistake for North Korea to give weapons to Russia. Asking her for a desperate act on Putin’s part”

12.26pm – UK monitoring in the Black Sea to avoid attacks on cargo ships

The Guardian reports that the United Kingdom has announced that the British military and security services will monitor the Black Sea with the aim of dissuading Russia from attacking ships carrying grain from Ukraine. London has also made it known that it will host an international summit on food security in November, a response – Downing Street specifies – to Putin’s decision not to renew the wheat agreement.

12.05 pm – Kiev: «The Russian elections in the occupied territories are a farce»

Kiev denounces the “sham elections” organized by Russia in the territories under occupation. “Russia’s pseudo-elections in the temporarily occupied territories have no value,” the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry said in a statement, calling on its foreign partners “to condemn Russia’s arbitrary and vain actions.”

11.56 am – Bild: «Secret UN offer to Moscow for wheat agreement»

Antonio Guterres, the secretary general of the United Nations, made four proposals in a “secret” letter dated August 28 to Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to renew the agreement on Ukrainian wheat. Bild writes it. The points would be: 1) the circumvention of the European Union’s financial sanctions on Rab (the Russian Agricultural Bank) through a special branch (Rshb Capital Sa); 2) the possibility of insuring Russian ships against Ukrainian attacks; 3) help to recover Russian capital frozen by sanctions in the EU; 4) access of Moscow ships with food and fertilizers to European ports with rapid approvals.

11.30 am – Three dead in an air attack on the Kherson region

Three civilians dead and four other people injured in a Russian airstrike in a village in Kherson today. Ukrainian Interior Minister Ihor Klymenko stated this on Telegram, specifying that the air attack occurred on the village of Odradokamianka, in southern Ukraine. The Guardian reports this underlining that the news has not been independently verified.

10.26am – Russian missiles against 3 Ukrainian cities: 1 dead and 41 injured

In the morning, Moscow launched missile attacks in Ukraine against the cities of Kryvvi Rih (Zelensky’s hometown), Zaporizhzhia and Sumy. The toll is 1 dead and 41 injured. The Kyiv Independent reports this, citing official sources. Russia struck a police station in Kryvvi Rih, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, also damaging nearby residential buildings, Ukrainian Interior Minister Ihor Klymenko said, according to which a police officer was killed and six other employees were killed. were injured. According to Dnipropetrovsk Oblast Governor Serhii Lysak, three administrative buildings and seven residential buildings were damaged.

– Relief efforts after the Russian bombing of Kryvvi Rih (EPA)

10.04 am – Dombrovskis: «The 50 billion EU financing for Kiev will be within the year»

“It is important that EU member states maintain solidarity with Ukraine, so that the instrument is agreed by the end of this year so that disbursements start flowing to Kiev in early 2024.” European Commission Vice President Valdis Dombrovskis said this in Vilnius, referring to European financing in Kiev in grants and loans of 50 billion between 2024 and 2027. The aim «is to help finance the reconstruction of Ukraine, support macrofinancial stability and provide technical assistance in the reforms necessary for Ukraine’s accession to the EU.”

09.44 am – Kiev: «16 out of 20 drones destroyed in Odessa and Mykolaiv»

Overnight, Ukrainian air defense forces destroyed 16 of the 20 Russian Shahed-136/131 drones launched over the Odessa and Mykolaiv regions. The Kiev Armed Forces Air Force reported this on Telegram. «On the night of September 8, 2023, the enemy attacked Odessa with groups of Shahed-136/131 type UAVs from the south-eastern and southern directions (Primorsko-Akhtarsk – Russian Federation, Cape Chauda, ​​Crimea). A total of 20 launches were recorded in the direction of Odessa,” it said.

08:47 am – «Musk deactivated the Starlink network during the Kiev attack in Crimea»

Elon Musk ordered his Starlink satellite communications network shut down near the Crimean coast last year to thwart a Ukrainian drone attack on Russian warships, according to a new biography. CNN cited an excerpt from Walter Isaacson’s biography of Elon Musk, which describes how armed underwater drones were closing in on their targets when they “lost connectivity and harmlessly ran aground.” The biography, due out Tuesday, alleges that Musk ordered Starlink engineers to shut down service in the attack area because of his concern that Vladimir Putin would respond with nuclear weapons to a Ukrainian attack on Russian-occupied Crimea. According to the Guardian, Musk believed that Ukraine was “going too far” by threatening to inflict a “strategic defeat” on the Kremlin. (

08:46 – Yellen: «The war in Russia weighs on the economy, we monitor China»

The most destabilizing factor remains Moscow’s aggression against Kiev which “has increased food and energy prices and we are aware of the risks to global growth”. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, speaking on the eve of the G20 in New Delhi, said that “the most important thing we could do for global growth is for Russia to end its brutal war against Ukraine.” As for China, Yellen, meeting the media in New Delhi, observed that “there is an economic slowdown” that “requires adjustment policies. We are monitoring, but I don’t see any significant effects on the US.”

08:07 – Michel: «The Russian blockade of Ukrainian ports is scandalous»

Russia’s blockade of Ukrainian seaports, after withdrawing from the UN-Turkey brokered deal to ensure grain shipments, must be stopped. This was said by the President of the European Council Charles Michel, for whom “I find it frankly scandalous that Russia, after having put an end to the Black Sea wheat initiative, is blocking and attacking Ukrainian ports”. All this “must stop”, added Michel while meeting the media on the eve of the opening of the G20 in New Delhi.

06.44 am – New raids on the Danube ports in Ukraine. Putin hits other grain routes

(by Marta Serafini, our correspondent in Odessa) On the Potemkin Staircase, closed to the public and guarded by the military, the statue of the late governor Duke of Richelieu is still there wrapped up. Not even the “Puma” is moving. Flag of the Cayman Islands, the merchant ship has been moored in the port since February 24, 2022. After Russian President Vladimir Putin refused to rejoin the agreement that allows exports via the Black Sea, the grain ships are again at anchor. But that’s not enough for the Tsar. Now in Moscow’s sights is the port of Izmail, on the Danube, used as an alternative route to send goods by land to Romania. Hit four times in five days, last night after a three-hour raid Russian drones here damaged a grain silo, a building and slightly injured a truck driver.

However, while alternative routes have already been discussed for some time, yesterday the Ukrainians resumed the export of cereals through the Croatian ports on the Adriatic. A “niche” route, as defined by the Minister of Economy and First Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine Yuliya Svyridenko, during the bilateral meeting with the Prime Minister of Croatia Andrey Plenkovich in Bucharest. But it could pave the way for new paths.

06.43 am – Depleted uranium ammunition and cluster bombs: the “dirty weapons” of the war in Ukraine – The military point

(By Andrea Marinelli and Guido Olimpio) The military point 568 | The United States has announced that it will send depleted uranium anti-tank munitions to Ukraine, which have a small radioactive charge but are not banned. Unlike cluster bombs.

The United States has announced that it will send depleted uranium anti-tank ammunition to Ukraine, already supplied in March by Great Britain to support the counteroffensive of Volodymyr Zelensky’s men. This 120mm armour-piercing munition — part of the latest billion-dollar aid package — will arrive on the field towards the end of the year, with the Abrams tanks that Washington promised in January to simultaneously unlock the dispatch of the German Leopards .

Read the military point HERE

01.57 am – Kiev: Moscow no longer has troops to attack from Belarus

Russia has moved most of the units that were in Belarus to other areas for training and, for this reason, it would no longer have enough ground forces to launch an offensive from Minsk territory. This was reported by the spokesperson of the Belarus border guards, Andriy Demchenko, quoted by CNN. “Russia does not have a necessary strike group on the territory of Belarus that is ready and able to invade the territory of Ukraine,” Demchenko said. “Moscow has withdrawn almost all of its units that have been trained and completed their rotation,” the spokesperson explained, but “no new units have been deployed on site.”

01.56 am – US announces second shipment of weapons to Ukraine in 24 hours

The US Department of Defense has announced a new weapons package to the Ucrina, the second in 24 hours after the one presented by Secretary of State Antony Blinken during his visit to Kiev. According to a Pentagon note, this is a shipment worth 600 million dollars, which includes, among other things, ammunition for the high mobility artillery missile systems (Himars), 105 mm artillery ammunition and for demining.

01.55 am – Blinken: «The elections organized by the Russians in Ukraine are a shame»

The United States has called the elections that Russia is organizing in the occupied territories of Ukraine a “shame”. “These so-called elections – commented Secretary of State Antony Blinken – come one year after the shameful referendums organized by the Kremlin to justify the annexation of Kherson, Zaporizhzhya, Donetsk and Lugansk”. “The Kremlin – he added – hopes that these predetermined results will strengthen Russian claims on Ukrainian territories, but this is nothing more than propaganda.”

01.53 am – US-Romania telephone conversation on the security of the area

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken had a telephone conversation with Romanian Foreign Minister Luminita Odobescu. The two spoke about the remains of the Russian drone found in Romania, near the border with Ukraine. The State Department explained that Blinken and Odobescu spoke of cooperation to “preserve aviation security, including an upcoming rotation of American F-16s to intensify the NATO air control mission in Romania.” Blinken reiterated his “firm support for Romania”.

2023-09-08 10:30:00
#UkraineRussia #todays #news #Russian #missiles #Ukrainian #cities #dead #injured #announces #shipment #weapons #Kiev #hours


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