This is the RFEF project to change the concept of a footballer in Spain

Eduardo Jiménez makes it clear that this project is “to add, not to replace anything or anyone. Hence, specific agreements will surely have to be made with many tournaments because each one will have specific and different needs. “We want people who have been behind a league or tournament for a long time to feel important and supported.” The final objective of Somos + is that every person who plays football in Spain is registered and their needs can be met.

The RFEF, to fulfill this mission, recently incorporated Eduardo Jiménez (after 24 years in the RFFM) to direct this strategic project because the benefit goes directly to the ‘invisible’ Spanish footballer, the one who plays football but does not appear on television nor has federative token. For Somos + and the RFEF, a footballer is someone who plays football, regardless of the competition or whether he is a professional or not.

In this philosophy of supporting and protecting football and the footballer, the RFEF wishes to offer everyone who joins Somos + the possibility of training coaches, referees and organizers to enhance, improve and develop their competition. It is a proposal to improve every aspect of any tournament to the maximum and generate a national product, something beyond the local competition. With all this supervision and guarantee, the competition that joins Somos Más would become an unofficial federated competition.

Why Are We +? Because a footballer – whether professional or amateur – can be found in different competitions such as:

– Private leagues.
– Internal company tournaments.
– Intercompany tournaments.
– Municipal leagues.
– Inclusive soccer tournaments.
– Veterans and walking soccer leagues (with specific rules).
– Leagues of state security forces -Police, firefighters and Civil Guard-.
– University leagues (they are competitions that are delegated to the CCAA and their final phase is considered official by the CSD).
– Campus of clubs, professional footballers and institutions.
football (the marketing department is promoting different competitions, such as the Territorial Teams Tournament that was held at Christmas).

Inclusive sport and the creation of wheelchair football

In addition to everything described above, the Sports Law of 2022 establishes that all inclusive sports – practiced by a person with some type of disability – be developed under the umbrella of the corresponding federation. So the Las Rozas Football City is carrying out the relevant recruitment to promote everything it can for each modality, in addition to other movements such as the approval to create wheelchair football and promote this discipline to organize the I National League and the I Spanish Championship of Regional Teams, in addition to forming the National Team. Something non-existent until now.

Sports Law 2022 on persons with disabilities

The Spanish sports federations will seek the effective integration in those of the sports modalities included in the sports federations for people with disabilities, which will be reflected through an agreement that must be ratified by the general assemblies of the federations of origin and destination.

As long as the integration provided for in the previous paragraph does not occur, the Spanish federations of sports for people with disabilities will develop the sports modalities and specialties that are contemplated in their statutes, regardless of whether they may establish systems of mutual recognition of licenses with the rest. of sports federations.

“In many countries around Europe it is not conceivable that a person plays football and is not registered. As a country, in Spain we have this weakness and we cannot demonstrate that we are the first or the second in number of European practitioners,” comments Eduardo Jiménez, who anticipates that there will be “a promotion through the territorial Federations, together with their RFEF technicians, to inform and explain the benefits of registering for Somos +. In many situations they will be very specific agreements because they have their own programs or contracts – for example, with insurance – but with all of them a link will be sought to collaborate and add, never subtract. Whether in material with access to our sports brands, in marketing services…

2023-09-19 22:37:40
#RFEF #project #change #concept #footballer #Spain


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