The Municipal Sports Schools Offer 20 Different Modalities and 800 Places Available in New Course

The mayor, Marino Aguilera, has appeared together with the councilor for Sports, Belén Ramírez, who has announced the news that the Municipal Sports Schools will offer this course, with up to 20 different modalities and some 800 places available. The event was also attended by Alberto Carrillo, from BCM, the company awarded the management of municipal sports facilities.

“From the City Council, a significant effort is made to offer a wide variety of sports, match schedules and improve and expand the number of sports facilities, so that both the Sports Schools and the clubs have more and better spaces in which to develop their activities”, remarked the mayor, who encourages families to bet on sport from an early age.

The registration period for the different modalities, with both individual and collective offers, opens on Monday the 4th and interested persons only have to go through the municipal sports center or, in the case of swimming, through the Municipal Sports and Health (CMDS), to fill in the registration form. Among the options that can be chosen are hockey, football, futsal, paddle tennis, tennis, table tennis, basketball, acrobatic gymnastics, rhythmic gymnastics, handball, mountain activities (orienteering, hiking, climbing, athletics), badminton, volleyball, cycling, karate, skating, chess, pre-sports, swimming and alternative sports.

This last modality is new this course and “It consists of a weekly rotation through different sports modalities so that the little ones have the opportunity to learn about a variety of sports. One week they will play one modality and the next they will change to another, thus going through different disciplines ”, As Ramírez explained, he recalls that payment can be made on a quarterly basis (individual sports €42, collective €36) or annually, with a bonus (€100 individual sports and €80 collective).

For his part, Carrillo added that another of the novelties offered by the Municipal Sports Schools this course “is Father’s or Mother’s Day and Friend’s Day, which consists of the possibility that the minor enrolled in one of the modalities can invite their parents or a friend over the weekend to practice their sport in company”.

2023-09-01 14:29:01
#Presented #Municipal #Sports #Schools #Alcalá #Real #Jaén #province


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