The Mayan Train stopped to review everything, says AMLO about the convoy stopped for more than an hour – El Sol de México

Chichén Itzá, Yucatán.- President Andrés Manuel López Obrador apologized for being late for the opening of the Chichén Viejo archaeological zone, after the Mayan Train convoy where he was traveling stopped for more than an hour between the stretch of Chichen Itza to Cancun.

The federal president indicated that the delay was due to the fact that “we are carrying out supervision work on the operation of the Mayan Train. We have been visiting this important work by land for several years now, flying over the entire section, the 1,554 kilometers, and also now we are beginning to supervise the use of the train so that it works properly as it was conceived.

We recommend: Chichén Viejo, the hidden Mayan city of Chichén Itzá, reopens

“And we are seeing how the route is, if it is already completed with all the specifications, stopping sometimes to review everything. And this took us yesterday and today to delay us in the supervision, but it was very important because it is not the same to fly over a thousand 554 kilometers in two and a half days”, he argued.

In his tour of the southeast of Mexico after the message in Campeche for his Fifth Government report, the federal president took advantage of this event to highlight the work of the Mayan Train, where he mentioned that when making some routes in sections 4 and 5 they have had special care for the fauna and Mayan vestiges.

In front of dozens of archaeologists, anthropologists and restorers from different universities in the country, López Obrador highlighted in his speech the return of the railway to the southeast of Mexico.

With the return of the train we want to strengthen our past, our cultural identity

He said that in the world there is no work like the one that is done with the Mayan Train, that “it is not lucrative, it is so that all the cultural richness of the Mayan world is known.”

2023-09-03 04:43:38
#Mayan #Train #stopped #review #AMLO #convoy #stopped #hour #Sol #México


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