The Manchester United Player Discusses Allegations in Emotional Interview

The Manchester United player, who faces investigation for alleged sexual assaults, gave an interview to talk to fans about the ordeal he is going through. “My mother always tells me that the trees that bear fruit are the ones that people always want to stone,” Brazilian Antony said through tears.

“Of course my career is not over. These are difficult times. My mother always tells me that the trees that bear fruit are the ones that people always want to stone. I am someone who came from nothing, I had many difficulties and I am living one one of the hardest moments of my life, which is being accused of something I haven’t done. It’s hard when you… at first you become a reference for so many people and, for so many lies, you end up being stoned by people, for everyone. I look at my mother, at my family, and I see that that is not what my mother really knows who I am. I look at those people who have followed me since I was little, suffering with me… It is not easy, it is not easy to be crucified and with my mouth closed, don’t you think I would have liked to say something earlier and defend myself? Show people who I really am? I would have liked that,” he acknowledged.

If I fear that United will terminate my contract? It’s not something I have in mind

When asked if he fears that Manchester United will terminate his contract, the Brazilian stated: “It’s not something that’s in my head. I know the truth and the truth will appear. I know there are a lot of people killing me.” Antony revealed that the police in England are investigating what happened.

Your ex-partner’s response

Meanwhile, his ex-partner Gabriela Cavallin published a story on her official Instagram account with the image of her mobile phone and announcing that it will be handed over voluntarily to check its messages.

2023-09-10 11:45:23
#stoned #crucified


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