The Intensity and Extracurricular Experiences of Summer in the NBA

Like the season, summer in the NBA It’s too long. And, like the season, it can also be very intense, with players having other concerns besides training no matter how much they compete.

Austin Rivers, of the Minnesota Timberwolves, spoke clearly about what is behind the ‘mini camps’ in which several players meet for a few days in a city to exercise together:

“You don’t do mini camps in Alabama. They make them in the shit Miami or en Las Vegas, guys. We are going to be in the gym for two hours and the rest of the days… What we do off the court is never in question. It’s always good. It is always centered around one thing: it is women, women, and then, more women,” the ‘Wolves’ player released on the Off Guard podcast and in statements collected by Talk Basket.

“So I never have to worry about this because every guy in the league loves this (women). So I would like to see more kids in the gym,” added Rivers, who acknowledged at the same time that he would like more players to come to work at the mini camps.

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2023-09-24 05:12:48
#NBA #player #describes #summer #training #Women #women


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